Chapter 29

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Emma's POV

Killian pasted around the room waiting for the results on his brother. I watched him as he just angrily blamed himself.

"Killian please sit down." I say to him.

"Sit down! Sit down! My brother could die because of me." He says.

"Killian your brother saved you. Neal would have killed you." I say.

"Better me then him." He says.

"Tonight you stopped me from cutting and now your wishing you would have been killed. Killian I love you and I need you." I say.

He just looked at me so I got up and hugged him.

"Excuse me all I have news on Liam Jones." The doctor says.

"My brother is he alright?" Killian asks.

"Yes and no." The doctor says.

"What do you mean yes and no?" Brennan asks.

"Well its a complicated situation." The doctor says.

"Tell me whats going on or you my friend will not just be here because you work here." Killian says angrily.

"Killian stop it let this man do his job." I say.

"Anyway, how is it complicated?" Regina asks.

"He will live, but where he was shot ended up hitting a nerve. He is most likely going to be paralyzed from the waist down." The doctor says.

"Thank you. May I see him?" Brennan asks."

"Of course." The doctor says.

Killian's POV

"Im going with." I say.

"No Killian your staying here." My dad says.

"What! Why?" I ask.

"Because your to upset. You need to calm your ass down." He says.

"I have to see him." I say.

"Not until you calm yourself. Emma keep an eye on him." He says.

"I will. Hey lets go for a walk." Emma says taking my hand and pulling me out.

As soon as we got outside Emma smacked me in the face.

"Bloody Hell!" I yell.

"Thats what you get for yelling at a man who is trying to help your brother. Your dad is right you need to calm down." She says.

"I am calm!" I yell.

"Did you just yell at me!" She yells back.

I looked her in then eyes and realized that I was acting completely jerkish to her.

"Im sorry Love. Its just this reminds me of when my mother got killed. That was my fault and now my brother is paralyzed also my fault." I say moving towards her.

"Non of this is your fault. You told me the story of your mother she died saving you. Your brother is now paralyzed for saving you. Now before you start blaming yourself you need to realized they saved you because they love you. You cant blame yourself for any of this." She says.

"Your right Swan. I just feel so guilty." I say.

"I know. For years I blamed myself for my father's death, but I soon realized that he saved me because he loved me. Look I know how you feel and trust me Im sure it will be easier this time because he is alive." She says.

"Your right love. Im so sorry for the way I acted." I say.

"Killian, Im staying with Liam tonight. How about you get Emma home." My dad says.

"Cant I see him first?" I ask.

"No he is still asleep." He tells me.

"Okay I'll be back tomorrow." I say.

"See you then." He says.

"Come on Swan I'll walk you home." I say to Emma.

"How about we go to your place. I dont want you to be alone tonight." She says.

"If the lady insists." I say.

Once we got to my house it was late so Emma and I both just laid in my bed. She rested her head on my chest and made small circles on it.

"Killian?" She questions.

"Yeah Swan?" I ask.

"If anything this was my fault not your." She says.

"How is this your fault?" I ask.

"Because I let you go face Neal." She says.

"Like you side it was no ones fault. Now get some sleep." I say.

I kissed the top of her head then I played with her hair until I fell asleep.

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