Chapter 43

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Killian's POV

My dad was in the living making breakfast when I walked downstairs.

"There he is." He says to me.

"What did I do?" I ask.

Liam started laughing at me. My dad smacked the back of his head.

"Well we over heard something about you." Liam says.

"Liam stop." My dad says.

"What I can help it. Over hearing his girlfriend asking him if its a problem to have a smart girlfriend and he says he likes it. Its just funny." Liam says.

"So my girlfriend is smarter then me big deal. I like her being smarter then me. So save your laughter." I say.

"Well then sit." My dad says.

"I cant Im meeting Emma." I say.

"Ahh yes Emma." Liam says.

"My point exactly." I say.

I walked out and went to the school and waited outside for Emma to show.

"Hey." Emma says walking up.

"Hey Love." I say and kiss her cheek.

"So I was thinking about you not wanting to go to college. So I thought that maybe I can help you with that." She says.

"Swan the answer is no. Im serious I dont want to talk about this." I say.

"Sorry I brought it up." She says.

"Love I didnt mean to be mean to you or rude in anyway. I just really know what I want, but thank you for caring." I say.

"Its okay. Really, I love you." She says and kisses me.

"Hey this is school not a porno movie." Regina says walking up.

"Oh shut up." I say.

"Cant help it. I love him and he loves me." Emma says and kisses me.

"You two are so cute its gross." She says and goes inside.

I stood up and grabbed her hand and helped her up. We walked into the school and the rest of the day all I can think about was how much Emma wanted for herself and how she was giving all that up for me. Maybe Im ruining her life. Maybe I should let her go. I dont want to, but maybe I should for her sake.

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