Chapter 44

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Emma's POV

Killian had been voiding me all for the last week and I have no idea why. Every time I call he doesnt answer. When I text no replies. When I call his house his dad or brother tell me he is busy. At school he doesnt talk to me he walks the other way. I dont know what I did that made him mad at me.

"Regina whats up with Killian?" I ask her.

"He is just fine. Why?" She says.

"Wait he isnt avoiding you? He is avoiding me. I cant figure out why." I say.

"Emma I dont know why I wish I did." She says.

"Hey did you see or hear from him today?" I ask.

"Nope." She says.

"So I need to talk to him. Dont I?" I ask.

"Yes Emma you should." She says.

"Okay I'll go." I say.

I walked over to Killian's house and knocked on his door.

"Emma, hey what brings you here?" Brennan asks.

"Is Killian here?" I ask.

"Yes. He is." He says.

"Can I see him?" I ask.

"Give me a moment." He says.

I heard some talking and then Brennan reopened the door.

"Can I see him?" I ask.

"Im sorry Emma he says he isnt in the mood." He says.

"Oh okay. Can I know why he is shutting me out? Why wont he talk to me? I dont know what I did." I say.

"I dont know whats going on with him, but Im sure it isnt your fault." He says.

"Thanks. Tell him Im sorry for bugging him." I say and walked away.

I turned around and looked up at Killian's house. I saw him watching me out his window. I could barely see him because it was dark. We looked at each other for awhile and he closed the curtain. I walked to the docks and started crying.

"I told you he was a jerk." Neal says sitting next to me.

"You should be locked up." I say.

"Oh didnt you hear Im back. I got out from Juve early for good behavior." He says.

"Leave me alone." I say.

"Babe its not my fault your boyfriend is crap." He says.

"How long have you been back?" I ask.

"A couple weeks. Why?" He asks.

"Your the reason Killian isnt talking to me. What have you done to him?" I ask.

"Emma, I didnt say or do anything. See you later babe." He says and walked away.

I went back to Killian's and an knocked on the door. When he dad answered he told me the same thing as earlier, but I walked past him and went in Killian's room. He got off his bed and looked at me.

"This avoiding me needs to stop. Now what the hell is going on with you?" I ask.

"Swan go." He says.

"Not until you explain." I say.

"Fine I have been avoiding you for awhile and Im sorry, but I cant tell you why." He says.

"Im not leaving until I know your not lying to me. Turn the light on and talk to me." I say.

He turned the light on and stepped into the light and he face was covered in blood, he had bruises all over his arms, and he was holding his side. I lifted his shirt and saw that he had a huge bruise on his side. Then I noticed there were more on his back. I looked him in the eyes and he was in pain and I could tell he didnt like me seeing him like this. What happened to him? Why wont he tell me? I dont know what to do.

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