Chapter 68 (Part 1)

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I didn’t let you go, you decided to leave

Emma’s P.O.V.

“Sorry. Emma... I need to know something. Jared... Is he something of yours? You know in the romantic way...”

I could tell him that Jared and I were something more and give a taste of his own medicine. Or I could tell him the truth and show him how pathetic I am...

“Why do you want to know that?” Were the words that came out of my mouth.

“Because I really want to know if you're not mine anymore and if my place in your heart is already taken by someone else.”

“No one can take your place. Jared and I are just friends. Still... I'm still yours and I think that will not change, regardless of the time that passes.”

Harry smiles and I feel humiliated. The pathetic girl who stills loves the boy who broke her heart more than once. Harry helps me to my feet. He is standing in front of me. He let go of my hands. He brings his hands to my belly and puts them on this.

“You know what? A couple of nights ago I found out why the clock reminded you of me.” He said looking at my black and gold watch that adorned his left wrist.



Harry took off his watch and laid it on his hand, letting me see the back side. There in the back side with fine print letters says: "Do not let go, no one is going love you like me." My eyes went up and met Harry's eyes watching me.

“I should have seen it before and I should have closed the door for you not to go. But, remember that time you were reading that book? That old book which didn’t even have a cover? You were reading aloud and I just listened to you. Your read ‘If you love something, let it go. If it returns to you is because it's yours, and if it doesn’t comes back then it never was.’ And I came back to you Emma. I'm standing here in front of you, coming back.”


“Please, Emma.”

“No, Harry. You didn’t come back to me. You came back to Ethan. You stopped being mine from the moment you tasted the flavor of other lips. And I didn’t let you go, you decided to leave.”

“Emma, I want...”

“Take me home. I don’t want to listen. You walk into Ethan's life, not mine. Take me home, it was bad idea to come.”

I start walking back to his car. The air is colder and the leaves seem to rustle louder under my feet. I had my arms folded across my chest. The strands of my hair were becoming stir because the air. I stand by the car and waited for Harry to reach it.

He walks slowly, several meters behind me. When he is near, he presses the button on the keychain. The car’s lights flash and I listen as the doors open. I open the passenger door and I get in the car. I close the door hard. I put my hands on my belly and squeeze, trying to console myself and not mourn.

Harry gets in the car seconds later. He buckles the seatbelt and I imitated him. He starts the car and starts driving back to my parents’ home. A journey in complete silence...

Harry has made himself ​​room into my life by force, with the excuse of wanting to be with Ethan. I don’t blame him. He's been doing a good job caring for Ethan. But I wonder if this will only last a couple of years and one day he will continue with his life, leaving Ethan in the past. The image of an Ethan standing at the door waiting for his father to come to tell him how he was at the football game breaks my heart.

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