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                               Farkle P.O.V

Let me tell you something. It feels great to get back from a party the night before and not have a shitty hangover.

I can actually go to school, Maxwell seems shocked out of his mind.

I always go to school with Riley now. Its nice we have these amazing talks..

Because once she starts she can't stop herself.

"Do you sometimes feel that some people should take their opinion and shove it far up their ass..." She says while on our walk.

"Sure, all the time. Who's opinion do you want to be shoved up their ass?" I say.

"Doctors. It's all medical shit, no way around it. Haven't they heard of miracles.." She huffs.

"Glad to hear you still believe in miracles." I smile at her.

Once we get to school we go our separate ways till lunch.

Riley and I sit at a lunch table.

I see Maya walking with Zay and Missy. Missy of all people I would not expect to hang out with Maya and Zay but apparently she has become some sort of an outcast.

People hate her.I can understand why, she drove Riley to the point of almost killing herself.

Every day that I've been here. I've noticed how thin she is. She was thin before but now whenever she coughs it seems like it knocks the wind out of her frail body.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed. It's probably not healthy for her tiny frame to do smoking as much as she does.

"Maya!" I call out to her.

I think she tells Zay and Missy to keep going wherever they were going in the first place and she walks over to me and Riley.

"Hello." She says awkwardly.

"Hi Maya." Riley says slowly.

I sigh. "Alright everybody stop being weird, we're all good old friends we can talk normal right?"

Maya sits down at the lunch table. "Yes, but one of us has lost their memory and doesn't remember two of us right."

Maya and Riley look at each other for a long time it seems like and Riley breaks the state first. Maya clears her throat and looks at me.

"Farkle can I see you for a moment.." Maya says as she gets up from the table.

I get up and follow her to a corner.

"What do you need?" I say.

"Dude she has her memory back." Maya hits me on my shoulder.

I raise my eyebrow.  "No she doesn't! She would have told me."

"I'm telling you it's back. I know Riley, and that is Riley. Not some girl who has lost her memory. Did you guys make some sort of deal?" She asks me.

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