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                         Zay P.O.V

"So why no friends?" I ask her.

"Backstabbing whore."

"They were backstabbing whores?" I raise one of my eyebrows.

"No I was." She says.

She walks in front of me leading the way.

"Oh, so tell me about it." The sun glares in  her eyes as she covers them.

"What's there to tell. I was a bitch. I almost drove a girl to suicide. I did actually but she survived. I never stopped at that. I literally slept with everybody's boyfriends. Finally they all turned their backs on me. They were done being my little minions, honestly I don't give a shit now, but it completely destroyed me at first,  I was alone. Senior year and I was alone."

"Your saying was like its pass tense." Man.. I can't shut my  mouth for one minute and just listen.

She sighs but smiles. "Fuck you."

I want to see that smile again so badly it almost hurts.

"So you don't care that your alone?" I ask her.

"I did care once, but it fucked me up."

I nod my head as I follow her. We come to a stop and that's when I see the most beautiful tree I have ever seen.

At first I'm at loss for words, the tree has me absolutely mesmerized but then it comes to me.

"How far did we ago away from fucking school?"

"Couple blocks, why.. can't stand to be away from school too long?" She laughs.

I swear it's the most gorgeous thing I've ever heard.

"I hate school as much as the next guy, really... but because I've got to get to class if I want to go to a good college."

She shrugs like college isn't a big deal. "I'm calling BS, why do you have a camera?"

"To take pictures silly goose." I patronize pat her head.

She leans against the tree. "Yeah but what of dipshit"

"Horrible and ugly things, or things and someone that I truly love."

"Interesting" she says. She sighs and takes out a pack of cigarettes.

"See now those are bad for you.. I wouldn't recommend it for sweet little souls like you.

"Darling my sweet little soul has already been corrupted."

She takes a long drag and puffs it in my face.


                        Farkle P.O.V

                   (a week later.)

I walk into the little butt munch's room.

"Surprise guess who's back...Oh and I also brought food. I open her door without knocking and hold up the pizza box filled with hot cheesy pepperoni pizza.

"What the fuck Freddy I could have been masturbating or something and you didn't even knock!" She sits in her wheelchair with an oversized sweatshirt and sweats.

"Oh my god I know you and you wouldn't be doing that Riley."

"Correction I prefer not use that name at the moment, and you're not even bothered I called you the wrong name?"

"I didn't even notice I was too busy with the whole masturbation mentioning. Don't say that again, that's not you."  I say. I set the pizza on her bed and open the box.

The smell makes my mouth water. I grab the handles on Riley's chair and push her towards the bed.

"We'll considering I'm not this Riley at the moment we shouldn't have to worry about whether it's me or not."

I pick up a slice at the same time she does. "Well that's the thing, I'm gonna make you remember who you are."

She looks at me curiously.


"Yeah, it can't be that hard." I shrug and take a bite.

"Well let me ask you this before you start your little project."  She says.

I nod my head and take another bite."Shoot."

"Were you in love with me when we were together?"

I stop chewing all together almost choking but I recover.

"Yes, but I don't do all the love stuff now I don't believe in it."

"Ok good." She says and takes a bite.

"Why?" I ask her. She's in mid chew and motions for me to put my hand out. When I do she spits mushed up pizza in it.

"Is that really necessary you could have just held it your mouth, or I don't know.. maybe swallowed!"

She shrugs her shoulders and smiles. "I like my way better. And the reason that it is good is because you can't fall in love with me during this little project. So you have to promise you won't."

"Fine I promise. " I say quickly.

"Not good enough." She snaps her fingers, "look me in the eyes and say you promise. Actually better yet pinky promise too."

I latch my pinky to hers and look at her in her dark brown eyes.

"I promise not to fall in love with you."

She shakes my pinky. "Great looks like we have a deal, now tell me about myself."

A/N: Vote and Comment!!!💕💞💞


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