Chapter Thirteen

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Dara heard someone knocking and the door opened. She faced the direction of the door only to be annoyed after knowing who it was. She turned her attention back to the adult coloring book she's making herself busy with.

"How are you?" The man asked.

"Funny for you to ask. I'm very much okay as you can see." She replied with sarcasm, keeping her focus on what she's doing.

"I know you're already bored. It's been two weeks since you had an argument with Uncle... and you always decline my offer to go out and eat in a restaurant."

"It's gonna be more boring if I go out with someone I do not want to be with."

"Dara, why not try working things out with me?"

She placed her color pencil down and looked at him. "Jaejoong, there's someone else I love. You can't force someone to love you."

Jaejoong moved around and stopped in front of the picture frames that's placed on top of Dara's bookshelf. "You can always teach yourself to love someone." He told her.

"Love is not something that's taught. It comes naturally."

He grabbed a frame and stared at it. "You look pretty when you smile."

She didn't react.

After a few seconds of silence, he turned to face her. "We both have no choice but to say YES. Why make things difficult and make yourself suffer?"

"Don't you have someone else you love?"

He chuckled. "I'm too busy with work to worry about that."

"I don't believe you. I can feel that you're also just being forced to do this."

"I'm not being forced. I'm willing to do it."


"For business... This is the only way to seal the merger between the business of our family."

"You're sacrificing your happiness just for the sake of family business?"

"It is my happiness... I need to make my father proud."

"You can make him proud without doing this."

"You don't know my father. What he wants, he gets. This merger is important to him. He will make it happen."

"Is that a threat?"

He shook his head. "An alert... Your father shouldn't have agreed to be connected to my father in the first place... Now that negotiation is in the works, backing out is no longer an option."

"I don't understand... What do you mean?"

He smiled and touched her cheek. "As much as I would like to let go and let you do what you want, it's gonna be impossible. There's no chance to escape this."

She took his hand off her cheek and glared at him. "You won't be able to force me."

"Don't hate me. This is not of my wanting. I just don't want you and your father to get hurt in the end."

"You're crazy. What you're saying is nonsense."

"Don't tell me I didn't warn you."

Her forehead creased.

"I'm leaving."

"You better be."

He walked towards the door but stopped as soon as he held the knob and looked back at her. "I've talked to your father and asked him to allow you to see your friends, at least."

CHOICES AND CHANCES (DaraGon FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now