36 | money in the bank, 2016

353 30 25

let's just get down to it



I can't even begin to tell you how upset I was with this match. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the pairing of each team, but what they did with Tyler + Fandango getting "burned" was just stupid. I want to know if there's a 5 year old in the creative team. Actually, scratch that. A five year old could compose a better match than the creative team.

I whole-heartedly applaud all four men for being good sports about it, but it makes me really damn sad to see guys like Tyler + Fandango be reduced to something so insignificant. These men didn't go through rough training just to be put on tv in an ultimately ridiculous story line. They do the best with whatever they're given, but I often times feel like this is Vince's doing + punishment. 

Overall, I suppose I am happy with the victors because I'm a Golden Truth kinda girl.

Grade: D- 
(next time, just let them have a damn match without these little "burning" incidents. those four men are all charismatic enough to produce something beyond entertaining without props).



I love the Lucha Dragons. I love all the flippity flip flip action they do + the fact that they defeated the Dudley's is an added bonus. I don't really have much to say about the match because truthfully, although it was good, I don't think it should have been added to the card. Adding it at the last minute made it feel like a RAW/Smackdown where there is always a pointless match.

(nothing horrible about it, I just wish they would have either added another WOMEN'S MATCH or added time to the only women's match on the card).


(my ocd kicked in and i had to alphabetize).

If there's anything I hate more than pointless matches added to ppv's, it's over-crowded matches. 
HOWEVER, these four tag-teams had me entertained. Asides from the Shinning Stars, I genuinely do like all the tag-team's in the WWE. The video of this match on the WWE's YT channel is filled with comments about how messy the match was + how many botches there was, but I can look aside that because what do you expect to happen when 9 men share a ring??

It can be the prettiest recital. 

My only concerns with this match are The New Day & Sawft as it seems like the crowd is unanimously on the New Day's side. The two teams are currently baby face + that seems to be working against them because if you ask me, Sawft SHOULD be feuding against The New Day. I feel protective over the New Day, so anyone that goes against them is automatically my enemy. With Sawft, I'd fear that if they turned them "heel" they'd have Big Cass betray Enzo. Although I've loved the New Day as baby faces, we all know they can pull off being heel once more.

Another concern of mine is that if it becomes the New Day vs Sawft, the Vaudevillains will be left out which is sad because I really do love Aiden & Gotch. 

I suppose people can complain all they want on wrestling forums and the Youtube comment's section about how "botchy" this match was, but you can't deny the fact that the crowd was on board and at one point even chanting, "This is awesome!" You don't do that if you're not entertained.

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