Chapter 15

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Cold water dripped onto her face causing her to regain consciousness. Her bones were still weak from whatever was injected into her but she was able to raise her head off the hard floor.

"H−hello?" She called, her voice echoed through the semi dark room. "Hello! Someone help me!" She began to shout when she realized that her hands and feet were hog tied. "Help!"

"You can shout all you want sweetheart. No one is going to hear you."

"Avalon, what the hell are you doing?" Cate asked weakly when she saw her.

"Oh right, I forgot I still looked like this." She laughed waving her hand and transforming into her real body; a tall fair skinned woman in her mid-forties with long dark hair.

"Who are you?"

"Someone who is going stop you from getting in the way."

"Getting in the way of what?"

"Of me and Adrian."


"I see you've remembered me." She smiled walking closer to Cate. "I know you didn't like me. I don't blame you though. My sole intent was to steal your boyfriend. It still is."

"What is your problem?"

"You are my problem Cate, and I don't keep problems for long." Scarlet explained. "You see Adrian is a special guy. I'm a special girl. In other words you could say that we complete each other. You just don't fit into this equation. You never will."

"So what are you going to do?" Cate asked. "Kill me?"

"Aww Cate," She smiled playing with her hair. "as much as I'd enjoy doing that," she tugged hard on her hair. "I'm not a bad person."

She stood up and looked at the woman.

"Should I do it now?" The woman asked.

"It's about time." Scarlet said folding her arms.

The woman smiled and stooped next to Cate. "This is gonna hurt."

"What are you doing?" Cate asked; her heart pounding.

"When I'm done," She said taking Cate's hand. "you will no longer be a problem."

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