Chapter 7

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Sitting at home and doing nothing while people were dying was not his thing. Even though people die all the time every day, these deaths−well only one so far− were close. This meant there was something he could do, or try to do. What made him worry even more was the fact that this death wasn't normal. Not only was the dead person supernatural, but the way in which he was killed suggests that there might be something supernatural out there. Another kind of supernatural different from what he was used to.

The yellow and black Crime Scene tape was still plastered around the area but the body was long gone. It didn't take him long to pick up on the dead man's fading scent. He was definitely a werewolf. As he moved closer to the tape his vision blurred for a second. He took a step back and blinked, his eyesight returning to normal but not for long. He walked around to the other side of the tape to get a look at the ground and his eyesight began malfunctioning once more.

"What the hell?" He asked to himself rubbing his eyes which only made it worst. When he removed his hands from his eyes he barely saw anything. Everything appeared in shadows and blurs. Stumbling away from the tape and into a nearby side street he dug into his pocket for his phone but his hands were shaking so much that it fell from his grip and scattered into pieces all over the ground. His feet and knees were becoming numb. He could feel neither one of them and his fingers were useless as well.

If that wasn't enough, a wave of dizziness drowned him, causing him to topple over two garbage cans on the road. His mouth became so dry that he was tempted to take a sip of the sweat that was literally pouring down his face making it harder for him to breathe. Finally he collapsed onto the hard concrete smashing his head so hard that blood stained the dirty trashcans which were five feet away from him. Coldness took over his body; coldness that came out of absolutely nowhere. The numb, useless fingers of his tried to grab on tighter to his jacket, forcing it around his freezing, trembling body for warmth.

If this is what dying felt like for everyone, he was pretty sure that there was no such thing as heaven and hell; just hell, for this felt like the devil himself was calling him. It felt like the devil himself was grabbing onto whatever soul he had left and ripping it through every part of him. Vince's eyes closed and there was darkness like no other.

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