Chapter 10

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"I know it sounds crazy, but it makes a lot of sense right now."

"Ian, I think you're over thinking this." I said as I continued to scan the internet for any news of new bodies.

"I'm not, ok listen. When you guys found the body, how did you find it?"

"Dead, on the floor."

"No, I mean how did the guy die?"

"He was drained of blood but I don't know how."

"Yes you do, you said there were two marks on his neck." He said flipping through a book. "Did they look like this?" He held the book up so I could see.

I closed the laptop, sat next to him on the bed and took the book. "Where did you get this book?"

"At the library. I'm not supposed to have it though. I practically stole it."

"Why can't you have it?"

"I don't know, I found it after several hours of searching and digging. I knew that people kept records of this stuff during the periods where the issues were profoundly present, so there had to be like diaries or books about it. When I found this I tried to sneak it out but someone saw me. They made a big deal out of it demanding where I found it. Then they took it away and told me to get out. That's how I knew that this book was the real deal. So I went back for it after dark." He explained. "They were stupid to leave it there."

"So, this is an actual diary that someone documented in about vampires?"

"Yes, it belonged to a woman named Helen Octavius and was written in the late 1800s."

"And this picture that you showed me," I said going back to the page. "this was a picture taken of a woman who was bitten." I said, not asked. "It looks the same." I remembered the marks on Elijah's neck. I turned the pages.

"In her notes, she spoke about two sisters. She didn't mention their names though." Ian said looking through the book.

"Look there it is." I stopped him.

"She really paid attention to them."

"Let's see what it says."

March 3rd, 1890.

There are some strange things going on in that house. The sisters are up to something. They don't know, but I can hear them as they speak. Their sister, the eldest one I believe has done something to anger them. Because of what she has done, they are now doing something to get rid of what she has created. I don't know what it is. They are smart not to speak of it. I have yet to see what they are up to.

Helen Octavius.

"She said she could hear them." I was confused. "How was that possible?"

"I'm not sure. Let's read on."

March 10th, 1890.

The actions of these sisters scare me. This morning they took a man into their house and he never came back out. There were multiple screams coming out of the house. The man was screaming. They kept telling him that after it was all over, he would be better than he was; stronger than he was. After a few hours the screaming stopped. They achieved their aims. It is nightfall now and they still continue to monitor him.

Helen Octavius.

March 11th, 1890.

They continue to scare me. Like yesterday they took someone else. This time it was a woman around the age of twenty. One sister told the other to bring the man out to the woman. Five minutes later the woman was screaming but she stopped a lot faster than the man had. I wasn't expecting to see her leave that house again but shockingly she did. They let her go late that night. That was my chance. I left my house that night and met up with the woman. She wore a scarf that she didn't come with this morning. She looked scared when I approached her but I assured her that I meant no harm. 'What did they do to you?' I questioned her. She told me she couldn't say. 'Tell me what they did.' I asked again. She hesitated.

'That man,' she said, 'that man is not normal.'

'Tell me.'

'He, he had sharp teeth at the sides of his mouth. His hands were really cold.'

'What else?'

'He bit me.' she looked at me with tears in her eyes, 'He drank my blood.'

She removed the scarf and showed me the bite mark. I took a picture of it.

When I returned to my home, I saw that the sisters were outside in distress. They were completely horrified. The man had escaped.

Helen Octavius.

"She spent the rest of years documenting numerous deaths which she believed were caused by the man." I flipped through the pages.

"Some of the deaths occurred at the same time but in different places. She came to the conclusion that somehow the man found a way to create more of his kind." Ian said. "Later on other people became aware of these creatures. The Italians became aware first. They began calling them the 'Pollone Sangue' which meant blood sucker. The name then evolved to 'Vampiro'. The English calls it Vampire." He explained. "We are not the only supernatural creatures out here Jennifer."

"But we will be the ones to stop the others, if they are the ones killing people."

I could see the worry in his beautiful muddy blue eyes. "There's one last entry." He said turning to the second to last page.

June 21st, 1930.

It was quiet for many years but they have started again. The sisters are up to something once more. They say that their first plans didn't work. Now they don't take just one person into their home. They take hundreds. I don't really hear them anymore but I know something bad is happening.

They are creating something new.

Something far stronger than what they call the vampire.

Something that is way more powerful.

....and I is evil.

Helen Octavius.

"Ian..." I looked at him. "She's not the only one with a bad feeling."

"What I don't understand is....why did the entries stop?" He asked.

"Maybe there was no one to write them anymore."

"Are you saying that maybe she died?"

"Look at the last page Ian." I showed him the page with the hand writing which gave me chills.

January 23rd, 1953.

stiamo arrivando.

"It's Italian." He said. "We are coming." He whispered the translation more to himself.

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