Forever Mine Chapter 69

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Don't Let Him Out of Your Sight

*Sylvia’s P.O.V.*

I sat in the kitchen at Grimauld Place, staring Sirius down over a game of Wizard’s Chess. He smiled at me in that mischievous way. “I’m going to beat you. There’s no point in even continuing.”

“Oh yeah?” I replied, though I knew he was right. Like Seph, I was hopeless.

“Yup. Queen to E-5.”

I was trapped, I knew. I just rolled my eyes and knocked over my king. “Checkmate.”

“Wh- you didn’t lose yet!”

“Well you said there was no point in continuing. So I gave up.”

“Ah, you always did give up easily.”

He suddenly fell quiet and I looked down at my hands. Sirius had crossed the invisible line. The comment may have seemed harmless but we both knew what he was really talking about. “Sirius-” I began but suddenly there was a ruckus and bubblegum-pink haired Tonks appeared in the door way, her eyes wide.

“Tonks?” Sirius looked up at her.

“It- it’s Harry.” She said, out of breath.


In a flash I was in a dark... Well, not sure what you would call it. Immediately, my eyes scanned the space for Seph. Tonks had informed Sirius and me that a group had come with Harry. I just had to be sure. Once I saw that she was not in fact, one of the kids, I sprung into action. Then there was a wand at my throat. My eyes widened as I looked at the masked face of a Death Eater. He knocked my wand from my hand and it went clattering down the black rocks. A vicious laugh came from under the mask and I looked around, terrified. Suddenly there was a flash of purple light and he was thrown back against the wall of the room type thing. I looked around for my savior, only to see Sirius wink at me before continuing his duel with Bellatrix Lestrange. I stumbled down the rocks and snatched up my wand before looking around for a fun opponent. A girl with light blonde hair and Ginny Weasley, Seph’s friend were trying to battle a rather beefy Death Eater. The blonde girl’s nose was bloody and Ginny had a huge cut on her hand. The Death Eater was winning. I rushed over and flourished my wand. A fantastic white light shot from it and hit the Death Eater square in the chest, knocking him over.

After being cooped up in that musty house with Sirius, I could do this all night.


I managed to keep Sirius in my view at all times. Even though we weren’t and hadn’t been together for a long time I definitely still cared about him. I always did. Even when he was locked up in that hell hole for something I knew he didn’t do.

“Avada Ked-”

“Expelliarmus!” I screeched at the Death Eater I was battling. His wand flew out of his hand and in his moment of distraction I twirled my wand and a whip tied around his neck. He clutched at it and fell to his knees.

“Nice, Sylvia!” Tonks shouted as she stunned her own Death Eater. I gave her a nod.

Suddenly someone yelled. I spun around, noticing that Sirius, who had still been batting Bellatrix, was out of my range of sight. I turned just in time to see Sirius fall back through the archway in the middle of the room. I stared at it, as though there was nothing else. My mouth hung open, and I couldn't move. Tears started streaming down my face. I leaned against what might as well have been the walls of hell. I-I couldn't...

"I killed Sirius Black!" Bellatrix called. Her voice... all of the words... rang through my brain. I felt tears, I felt shaking... I felt unbelievable pain. It was as though my husband had died again. It was like Seph was dead, too. She might as well be. Everyone I love seems to die.

“Sirius!” I screeched. I ran forward but suddenly an arm was around my waist, pulling me back.

“Sylvia.” Kingsley’s deep voice said, tugging me away. I tried to jump out of his grasp. But he wrapped his other arm around me and tugged. “Sylvia.” He hissed in my ear. “He’s gone. You can’t do anything.” I whimpered, holding tight to his arm, tears streaming down my face. “Now come. Or you’ll be dead too.”

I let him drag me away.


A/N: Okay, I know this chapter is freakishly short but I hope you enjoyed it. I wanted to post tonight so you'll have to suck it up. :)

Next post shall be Wednesday. Then on Friday, Forever Mine: Second Chances is being released. :) START THE COUNTDOWN!!! 

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