Forever Mine Chapter 1

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Authors note:

Hi, all! As of January 2021, I have finally decided to rewrite Forever Mine. This story will be a bit different than the original; I am changing plot-lines, character appearance, dates, ages, names, houses, and much more to make the story clearer and more dynamic, as well as more relatable to my personal growth. I began Forever Mine at age 11-12 and as a very different and underdeveloped individual; I am now in my early 20s and am very excited to open this chapter of my life once again. In the new story, Seph (age 16) and Druscilla (age 14, previously Dani) both really reflect my own personality, and their journey will likely highly reflect my own. Thank you very much for your support and love after all of these years. Please let me know how you're liking the story so far! I will be posting one chapter every week, so please tune in!


-Chapter 1, Forever Mine Original

I sighed as I looked up at the big train. The Hogwarts Express. Oh yeah. I was definitely looking forward to this.


I glared at my father and he glared right back. Ah, familial love. Believe me. This whole Hogwarts thing -Hogwarts. What kind of name is that?- was not my idea. Actually, if you couldn't tell, I was rather against it. But apparently I had no say in the matter. See, I used to go to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, in France. My parents and I both loved this deal. They didn't have to deal with me for a whole year -except summer, of course. We Beauxbatons students have no other breaks, however. Not even Christmas- and I didn't have to see them. And I loved Beauxbatons. The Beauxbatons palace was plainly breathtaking and I had friends there. I had a life. Of course, then I had bitter enemies. Like Fluer Delacour. -but that's a different story- Nonetheless, I loved it there.

I guess I sort of brought my expulsion upon myself. Okay, it wasn't my fault that the Extra Power Dungbomb rolled under Madame Kane's robes... Serena was the one who bumped into me, knocking the bomb of course. If she and James hadn't bolted as soon as it disappeared under the folds of Madame Kane's robes they would probably be here with me right now. I'd just had to freeze up. Damn my nerves.

My parents actually used to like me, you know. Used to expect a lot of me. Then I became a teenager... And you know how that works. So they practically dumped me and started full-on coddling my kid sister Danielle. I swear. Devil in disguise.

"Well, I'll see you," I said, turning back around and facing the terribleness that is my parents, just wanting them to leave. But of course I had no such luck.

"Persephone Mae, I need to talk to you." my dad said. I rolled my eyes. I hate being called by my full name. It's stupid. My friends just call me 'Seph.' I prefer it. I mean really, who names their kid after like the goddess of the underworld? Okay, no... it's pretty cool. But 'Persephone'? Does it really have to sound like some kind of medicine?

"Yes, Father?" My voice was sugary-sweet.

"Now, listen to me," he muttered, grabbing my arm and pulling me closer to him. "No pranks, no fighting, your best behavior," -Yeah, that's real likely- "I'll know if you disobey."

"What, do you have spies watching me or something?" I stared at him through narrowed green eyes. He gave me an annoyed 'Just shut up' look. "Whatever," I looked down at where his hand was clasped around my arm. "You're hurting me." He looked down as well and his cheeks got kind of red. Like he was ashamed or something. Maybe my father is human, I thought. But he proved me wrong by turning and walking through the barrier.

My mother watched him and sighed.

"He's just in a bad mood," she said quietly. "Don't pay him any attention."

Forever Mine: My Time With Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now