Dear Players...Chapter 14

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A: Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t updated, but there was a huge rainstorm yesterday and the electricity went out and then it came back on, but it was late and ended up going out again soo yeah….anyways thanks for all the positive feedback guys! You really make my day!!

Random Pic of Becka>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Now without further adieu….

Enjoy:D...hopefully it's more of a filler...sowwyyy


                 I walk out into the parking lot just as Chloe and Brandon climb into Chloe’s M6. After they’re gone I look around the parking lot finally spotting Dan in the far corner, his back against the school’s wall.

                Slowly I walk over to him briefly remembering how I got into this situation. It had all started when Hank decided to drag Chloe away making me an accessible target for Dan. After him pinning me down I knew I had no chance of escape and was about plea when he surprised me. He asked me who was he and I had no idea what he meant until he started telling me that I had all the symptoms of a person who’s crushing on someone one.

                Still mildly shocked I told him I had no idea what he was talking about. I mean I seriously thought I was hiding it extremely well. Even Chloe who’s a very sharp, inquisitive person didn’t realize it. He then proceeded to tell me he wasn’t stupid and wouldn’t let me go until I told him so I did. Finally he let go and I got up and sat on the couch only to fall off of it when he told me he would help me get him if I wanted. I was so blown away not only did I fall on my butt I got up and hurried off to Chloe.

                “Finally, what took you so long?” Dan asks as I approach him.

                “I was waiting until Chloe left with Brandon. She would definitely be asking me questions if she saw me voluntarily anywhere near you,” I explain.

                He laughs slightly before saying, “Beck Stanton, really?”

                I force myself not to blush, “Yes really,” I say matter-of-factly.

                “Horrible taste. Although typical, him being the football quarter back and everything,” he says nonchalantly.

                “Hey I didn’t accept your help to be made fun of!” I complain.

                He chuckles, “I know,”

                I sigh slightly aggravated, but then again when does Dan not annoy me to death? The answer is never.

                “So what are you planning? How do I get him to notice me?” I ask willing myself not to be embarrassed.

                “Beck is the kind of guy who falls for the pretty, semi-girly girl who can eat a lot, but still be skinny. So you got that part down, the only thing you are missing is the second part,” he states.

                “First of all how do you know this? And what other part?” I ask somewhat confused.

                “I know this because Beck used to be one of my really good friends,” he states.

                “What happened?”

                “He got too popular for little ole me,” he says angrily.

                “But your popular too!” I reply not understanding.

                “That was afterwards, anyways you’re missing the being taken part,” he responds.

Stories From 2011 (Dear Players, What's Mine, Queen Bee)Where stories live. Discover now