Dear Players...Chapter 13

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“Ugh, do I have to?” he asks already knowing my answer.

I simply nod my head.

“Fine, Grace moves a lot,” he says like that explains everything,

I give him a questioning look.

“Her dad’s an international businessman and they move everywhere, but before she moved, two years ago, we were the best of friends,” he sighs.

I cringe already knowing where this is heading, but motion for him to continue anyways.

“Two months before she moved I asked her out. She was my first everything; first kiss, first girlfriend, first love, first time.” He pauses, a painful expression crossing his face, “It was perfect and then she dropped the news on me. I told her we could work something out long distance. So we did and then the following summer I convinced my parents to take me to New York to visit. I then took a taxi from the hotel room and…”

“And?” I whisper suddenly wishing my suspicions aren’t confirmed.

“And I went to her family’s apartment, the door was open, so I let myself in so I could surprise her.” He snorts, “I turned out to be the one surprised when I found her sucking face with some dude on the couch. Obviously that was the end of our relationship and best friendship and now, now, she’s back.” He finishes.

Damn it, I was so right.

“Awh, come here!” I say feeling sorry before lunging myself at him.

He chuckles sadly at the fact I’m now clinging on his waist.

“She broke my heart,” he whispers and that’s all I need.

That’s all I need to get that urge I get right before I say something stupid. I bite my tongue, but it’s no use the words tumble out of my mouth.

“Do you want to make her jealous?” I ask really quickly.

Oh gosh, I hate myself!

“Really? Are you sure?” he asks, but I can see the hope glimmer in his eyes.

No, no I’m absolutely not sure!

“Definitely,” is what comes out instead.

“Thanks Chloe! You’re the best,” he exclaims picking me up and twirling me in the air.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah just follow my lead,” I reply rolling my eyes as he sets me down.

“Sure thing,”

I walk into the salon clinging onto Brandon’s waist. He pulls me into him and smiles down at him. I snuggle into him a little. What? He’s really warm and it’s cold in here.

Grace looks up and then back down only to look up again. When her eyes settle on Brandon they widen.

“Uh Brandon, hi!” she says in a chirpy voice.

“And you are?” I ask before Brandon gets a chance to respond.

She looks down at me and scowls before quickly hiding it.

“Oh hi, I’m Grace,” she says dryly. “And you are?”

“Oh I’m Chloe, Brandon’s my man,” I say getting on my tiptoes and kissing Brandon on the cheek. Usually I’m not this short, but I wore flats today.

“Yup, she’s my girl,” Brandon states giving me a little squeeze.

I watch as jealousy and regret burn through her eyes for a few brief seconds.

“Oh, that’s nice,” she says trying to sound happy for us.

“Oh, it is,” I assure her and Brandon wiggles his eyebrows. I playfully slap his arm.

She visibly cringes at the thought.

“Well, um what are you doing here?” she asks.

“Oh I’m applying for a job. Actually we are,” I say nonchalantly.

She quirks an eyebrow, “You’re working here too Brandon?” she asks in disbelief.

“Yeah-um, she talked me into it. What can I say I’m so whipped,” he says shrugging.

“And proud!” I add, “Best boyfriend ever!” I chirp adding emphasis on the word best.

I watch as regret flashes through her eyes once again.

“Oh, hello, follow me,” we hear the nice Chinese owner say appearing out of nowhere.

We all turn and face her before following her into a small backroom.

“I’m Linda and Tracey here will show you what you have to do, if you’re any good then you’re hired,” she says in her thick accent.

I smile and nod. Then I finally let go of Brandon, but not before warning him to try his best.

Tracey then goes into a demonstration of filling a small bowl with water, soaking the client’s nails, cutting their cuticles, filing their nails, and finally adding the nail polish. Then, she tells us to add a second coat before adding the final top coat. If anyone wants a design Linda and Tracey will take care of it so we don't have to worry about that.

Grace and I turn out to do really good which is expected since we’re both pretty girly girls. Brandon on the other hand sucks and you can actually see him trying. But the more he tries the more his hand shakes which then results in the entire manikin hand covered in nail polish. I laugh at his pathetic attempts to still his hand.

“Well, we do need someone to man the cash register,” Tracey says when Brandon gets aggravated and accidentally knocks over the nail polish in his tirade.

 Brandon nods excitedly. Frankly, I’m surprised Tracey didn’t just kick him out.

“Well, I’ll go get the employment forms,” she informs us before stepping out of the room.

“Yes, we got the job!” I say high-fiving Brandon.

“Yay!” he says with fake enthusiasm. I hold in my laughter.

He pulls me onto his lap and I pretend to giggle.

“Now we’ll be able to do this more often,” he whispers in my ear, loud enough for Grace to hear, before kissing my ear.

“Stop it Brandon, very inappropriate!” I exclaim in a scolding manor, but then giggle and kiss his cheek.

“You know you don’t want me to,” he says.

In reality I kind of do and kind if don't, don’t get me wrong there’s nothing wrong with him he’s nice, but that’s exactly it. He’s just nice and warm, nothing special and definitely no tingles.

“Yeah I know,” I say smiling and snuggling into him.

I glance over at a very uncomfortable and jealous Grace. She doesn’t seem to notice me staring at her though. Instead her eyes are glued on Brandon who’s tickling my neck with his lips. She starts turning a little red in anger.

“That feels so good,” I purr and that does it Grace bursts.

“I was his first!” Grace yells and then immediately reddens in embarrassment.

I feel Brandon bolt his head up and then I see him give her a questioning look. I on the other hand wasn’t shocked, but I no longer could hold it in.

I burst out in laughter.

A: I know it’s short very sorry!! I also did't edit:p But hey it was entertaining, I hope:D Anyways you finally know Brandon’s reason! Pleaseeeee VOTE and comment!!! For uploads check my time table on my profile. Thanks so much guys!

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