Chapter 32

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2015, a lot of things was about to change in my life this year but on the first day of January I was absolutely happy. In fact my life was generally perfect right now and nothing could mess that up.

So I thought until things started to change.

"So how do you feel about going back to school tomorrow?" Zayn asked as we laid in bed at his place.

"I feel that you should be very glad that you don't have to" I mumbled and snuggled up closer to him.

"And that we should stay here all day"

"I wish I could but I'm meeting up with some friends later"

"Oh that's fine I'll just hang with Steph then" I said a bit disappointed.

"Yeah, how is she by the way? I haven't seen her in a while"

Ever since this hole baby insistent happened Stephanie had been laying low, like not even going out for the hole break low. The last time she was out in the real world was on new year and that was two weeks ago.

"She's uh laying low"

"Anyway I should get going but feel free to stay here as long as you want" Zayn said after awhile of cuddling and got up.

After Zayn had gone I stayed in bed for some time watching tv before I got up and went back to our apartment.

"I'm home"

"Wow I haven't seen you for like days" Stephanie said when I came into the living room where she sat just as I had left her, in her pajamas watching grey's anatomy and eating take out.

"Did you leave this room while I was gone?" I asked as I opened a window, it reeked in here.

"Duh I went to the bathroom"

Jesus Christ.

"Steph what's happening? I know you are taking this thing hard but it's been two weeks, you got to at least try to move on"

"You just don't get it Lola"

"Please take a shower at least?"

"Fine" Stephanie said and stood up.

"Good girl and in the meantime I'll clean up in here"

"So have you talked to Adam?" I asked when she got out from the shower looking like her normal self again.

"He calls and I answer with a short amount of words before I hang up, so yeah I have talked to him"

"Steph he will know something is wrong if you don't talk to him" I said but she ignored me and started a new episode of grey's anatomy.

"Logan was here" Stephanie said after awhile of silence.

"What did he want?"

"He wanted to see you obviously and he had flowers with him" She said and nodded at the huge bouquet of flowers in a vase that stood on the kitchen counter.

"There peonies right? Like your favorite flower?"

"Yeah, I wonder how he knew that" I mumbled and looked at the card.

Sorry for being a dick..,

Which of the times? I thought to myself as I took the vase with me into my room and put it in my window before I sent away a text to him.

Lola: Thanks for the flowers and like I said, you're not as bad as I thought

7 minutes later he replied.

Logan: I tend to surprise people

Lola: How did you know that peonies are my favorite flower?

Logan: Somethings you just know

Once again I was left with questions after my little conversation with Logan.


The next day I finally got Stephanie out from the apartment.

Me, Louis and Steph had lunch together (I thought it would be good for her to meet someone else besides me and that Louis would get her in a better mood).

"Logan huh? He seems to be something..., else...," Louis said after I told him about him.

Since Stephanie wouldn't talk about her problems I figured that I would talk about mine to get her to think about something else.

"Yeah, he's hard to read"

"He got her flowers" Steph said and took a sip of her coffee.

"Peonies" She continued.

"Isn't that your favorite flower?" Louis asked.

Yes Louis and I had gotten pretty close and he was now a good friend of mine.

"Damn why does everyone know that?"

"Because everything you own fucking smells like it" Louis said.

"Seems like somebody has a little crush on you" Stephanie said as let out a small laugh.

"Clearly you don't know Logan, he's incapable of having feelings"

"If that's what you believe"

"That's what I know"

(A/N) Messy chapter I know and I'm sorry. I have major writers block right now but I'm trying my best.
Hope you liked it!
Ily <353456122

Barbara Palvin - Lola Rodes
Gigi Hadid - Stephanie Parker
Zayn Malik - Zayn Malik
Louis Tomlinson - Louis Tomlinson
Niall Horan - Niall Horan
Harry Styles - Harry Styles
Liam Payne - Liam Payne
Nick Jonas - Adam Hill
Zac Efron - Logan Smith

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