The New World Has Come

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The sky has fallen, yet the ground has risen.  Society exists no more, and the once famous elemental academy system has been terminated.  Elemental users are starting to become a myth, and any of them that still remain are open targets for a huge bounty.  They disrupt the 'peace' this world has been blessed with.  Even far off planets have been become truly 'peaceful.'  Is this truly the world we wish to live in?  I sure don't.  A revolution is needed.  Our society is in turmoil.  We can't even step outside without being weapon checked for bloody sake!  It's time for the people to sta-

"Would you turn that stupid radio off!?" a young man in full armor, with an exception of a helmet, yells to another man sitting near by a desk.

The young man in the armor has light blue hair and eyes, which is extremely messy and slightly long.  His armor has metal plates in just about every limb, and they are coated with a pearlescent purple and blue.

The young man at the desk has similar armor on, only with a slightly different design.  He has light red hair, and purely white eyes, as if he were blind.  He also looks as if he's ridiculously tired.  

The two are inside a huge ship, which is airborne, flying to an unknown location.  The ship's floors are hard blue metal, while the walls are hard red metal.  There is barely any light, and the interior sometimes makes creaking noises from unknown areas.

"Sorry darling... I've just been needing a little inspiration since we started this thing, you know?  I know Recreator's dead now... but his radio transmissions still inspire me" the light red haired man says in a slightly high pitched voice.

The light blue haired man sighs.  "At least put on the holo-headphones okay?  I'm trying to record my daily logs, if you don't mind, Arnold."

The man now known as Arnold nods slowly.  "Will do... sorry again, Ingrid."

The light blue haired man, Ingrid, nods back.  "Thank you."

Ingrid turns back around towards a desk full of holographic supplies.  He presses a button on a recording device and begins recording his log.

"Date... May 28th, 2032... 1920 hours.  The crew has gathered together to go on a suicide mission.  I told the commander he was crazy... but he never listens.  Whatever though.  I don't really care much for my life, more so, compared to the lives of the millions of people suffering from this forced 'peace'.  Our mission?  Retrieve a very important package from the assassin temple itself.  I swear... I haven't been there in years.  I'll admit, I'm a little nervous.  It's like we are trying to do what Infinite Le Fay accomplished all by themselves.  But with the commander on our side, there's no way we'll lose.  I just hope everyone makes it back alive.  Anyways, this is Ingrid Valdez, signing off."

Ingrid presses on a holographic image, and the recording stops.  He stands up out of his chair, and walks over to an armory cache, containing weapons and armor.  He clips two bandoliers across his armor, and clips a belt, all three containing grenades and ammo.  He equips a shotgun and an assault rifle on his back, and two side arm pistols on his hips.  

He then grabs a helmet from the cache, and equips it.  As he puts it on, steam exalts from the bottom of the helmet, exerting the pressure and giving him oxygen.  

A woman, wearing completely similar green and white pearlescent armor, walks in the same room as Ingrid.  Her face is covered by a helmet.

"Oh, hey Lorraine.  You done speaking with the commander?" Ingrid asks.

"Yeah... he didn't exactly like the idea I gave him.  But I don't think that matters anymore.  Once we retrieve the package, possibly things could go back to the way they were?"

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