Chapter 46

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Ed's POV:

I don't think anyone actually realised how great it was to be with her again. I had not been able to hold her hand, hug her, kiss her or even touch her for 3 weeks. I don't think I've ever felt this strongly towards someone then the feeling I get when i'm with Skye, she seems like she's a part of me, already.

We stepped out the taxi and I carried her bag in, still not letting go of her hand. We walked up the stairs to the hotel and I opened the door. It was a pretty flash hotel room to be honest, the bed was gigantic. "Wow, Ed, it's amazing!", she said, I just laughed as she jumped on the bed. I dropped her bag down onto the floor, "Um, Skye? Do you mind if we get going? I got a gig, in like, 10 minutes?" she jumped up, looking slightly embarrassed. "Hurry up then! Come on!" she giggled as her cheeks flushed red and we made it downstairs to get in a taxi. The amount I had spent on taxi's this year was absolutely ridiculous, I really needed to learn to drive.

We got there just in time, I kissed Skye's forehead and ran on stage. I hadn't had a chance to see Stuart or anyone else for that matter this evening, all I cared about was giving my fans in Florida an amazing gig, and showing Skye my new song.

"I wrote this song, about the one I love..", the crowd "awwww'd", then I continued. "..I had to spend 3 weeks without her and it was a living hell. So this is for her. This is Miss you". I turned to quickly look back at Skye watching from the wings. "I love you" I mouthed to her, then I started singing. At the end of the song as the crowd applauded I took another glance back, she was crying. She quickly wiped her tears and put her thumbs up. They were happy tears.

She liked it.

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