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💜yoongi pov💜

I didn't give Ali a choice really regards me going to see Pd.nim.. I knew I had to be there just in case he tried anything regarding us and her.. he has already tried twice.. we walked into the hybe building. The receptionist looked up as we walked in, then noticed Ali and gave her a funny look.. I knew it was because she was with us, hobi never once let go of her hand because she was nervous.. we walked up to the desk as she would need a visitor pass until Bang Pd has sorted out her staff pass.. I don't know if Ali would have gotten on if none of us could have come along to support her. The girl behind the desk, I don't even know her name even if I see her most days. She looked Ali up and down and paid close attention to her holding hobis hand. Namjoon snapped her out of it and asked her to sort her out the pass.. I turned to look at Ali, and it didn't go unnoticed by her that the receptionist was looking at her either.. she turned to look at me and gave me a small nervous smile.. the receptionist passed Ali the pass, and we proceeded to go to the lift. I took a quick glance back, and the receptionist was still looking. I knew it would be talk of the building, us coming in with a strange girl that's not native and definitely because hobi is holding her hand.. and if word gets out, we know it would be hybe staff, and they would be in deep shit because of the nda they signed.. we finally reached the top floor and walked up to Pd.nim door.. before we entered Alis breathing, had started to pick up.. hobi pulled her into him, giving her a hug and talking into her ear softly. I had no idea what he was saying, but it seemed to be working.. I knew it was because It was a new person and we need to get her to work on being around new people if she wants to stick this job out because she will come across many new faces and she needs to be our translator even if we can speak English, army doesn't know.. yet. But it was because Pd.nim didn't want her here in the first place, then he gave her a job because we asked, and I bet he wasn't keen on the idea when joon bought it up.. Well, I know he wasn't with what namjoon said.. so I'm here just in case he starts to become nasty with her and brings up another nda.. namjoon knocked on the door, and we all walked in when he shouted us.. we all sat down. I knew Pd.nim wasn't sure about me being here after last time.. but I would be fine with him if he is OK with her..

He introduced himself, and all he did was explain the job role.. he explained to us what he told namjoon because we're idols but he went onto explain that people here and the people we work with have all signed ndas but we have to be careful when going out for interviews and stuff because that is what most interviewers ask us.. whether we are dating, would we date an army, etc etc etc.. same questions, time and time again.. he said he knows that telling the army is out of the question about our relationship till she is ready, but if we get caught, he isn't going to deny it either.. we asked if she would get her own security detail for protection.. he said she could keep ji-ho and sang-hoon.. and we will get a separate detail as she can't travel to destinations with us because of cameras.. she was happy she had those two.. and Pd.nim did warn her not nastily. To remember any flirting we do doesn't mean a single thing to remember. All seven of us don't mean anything by it, and we will be coming home to her . Also, please keep her hands to herself regarding women around us as they are very flirty and some also touchy feely.. and if anything is untoward, they will be dealt with accordingly, so not to panic.. he understands she may get jealous, but he said try and not let it show. She agreed to everything and was happy.. she did ask if when we are touring, will her and maddie get a room on the same floor as us.. Pd.nim said only if there are enough rooms on that floor as staff tend to be on another level or different hotel altogether.. I went to speak up. But Pd.nim put his finger up to me.. and then went onto explain that all staff will be notified that us and Ali are soulmates so being together on the same floor or sharing a room should be absolutely fine as no army should be able to get on the floors.. I was surprised at how Pd.nim and Ali actually got along. Pd.nim isn't a nasty man it was all to protect us, but he wasn't ever going to keep me away from her.. unless he was being kind because he was scared how I would react, only time would tell, I suppose.

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