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I woke the next morning to the sun shining it wasn't a clear morning. There were clouds in the sky.. I managed to jump out of bed without disturbing hobi.. i checked the time, 7 am.. I grabbed some clothes and made my way to the bathroom to shower and change.. I brushed my teeth before I was finally ready to go out and start the day.. I checked on hobi before I left, and he was out for the count.. I walked down the hall and into the living area. No one was in here, but I could hear noise in the kitchen, I walked through, and there he was, the oldest of my soulmates.. Mr. wwh himself..

"Good morning, jinnie."

I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist

"Good morning, baby."

He bent over to give me a kiss..

"Im making us all breakfast.. it should be ready in about half an hour." He said

"Thanks, jinnie.. do you know if maddie is awake?"

"No, she came down here yesterday to me.. I don't think she will be much longer."

"No, I know she is normally up about now."

Yoongi pottered in a few minutes later. He instantly headed for me and placed a kiss on my cheek and wished me good morning.. I don't think I can get used to his morning voice.. so deep and sexy.. maddie came running down the stairs a few seconds later...

"Good morning baby, how did you sleep?" I asked her

"ok, mummy." She beamed.

"So you like your new room then?."

"Yes, it's a lot bigger than my old one," she smiled

"Yes, it is.. mummy can go and see it after breakfast, then she can decide how to decorate it for you, OK.." hobi said sleepily as he walked into us.

I didn't think he would be up yet.. I literally just left him, and he was sleeping.

"ok," maddie agreed

"Are you two.." yoongi started to say, and I knew immediately what he was on about

"yes yoongs we are OK... more than OK, I hope.."

Hobi came and wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek to..

"More than OK.." He said, squeezing me a little tighter

I didn't hear namjoon come in..

"thank fuck for that.. glad to see you did the right thing." He came in smiling.

He gave namjoon a nod.. finally, everyone came down and sat around the extremely large dining table.. jin had made different things for breakfast.. Once everyone had finished, I said I would wash, but hobi and jk wouldn't let me they insisted they would do it...

Hobi came into the living room where I was sitting with everyone... maddie was sat with tae.. I sat with jin and jimin..

"Ali, you ready to go and check out the rooms then we can shop.. one of the others can then give you a tour of the rest of the house.. but your rooms are more important first.." He asked.

I got up and went over to him.. he immediately took my hand and pulled me upstairs behind him.. I think he was excited..
We stood outside of the last door on the left at the end of the hall.. this is maddies room.. he opened it and nothing could have prepared me for the size of it.. It was three times the size of her bedroom back in the uk.. I knew as young as she is a could easily fit her a double bed in here... she would love that.. I know it had a single, but they must have quickly arranged that.. I will ask her the colour she wants on the walls and get everything based on that.. I had a plan of where I could put things..

Soulmates- It started with a dream.Where stories live. Discover now