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💜Ali pov 💜

I didn't know what to do.. I had to get maddie soon.. I just didn't want them calling me when Kyle was about either.. and this was actually real. I would be talking to them. I wasn't good at talking.. but they are my soulmates. I could have them as friends right as long as they know I just want to be a friend. I'm not going to say too much about myself and my life.. and there was one thing bothering me also knowing they are my soulmates.. they are all younger than me.. fuck it right.. if Kyle doesn't know then it won't hurt him.. I felt sneaky doing this behind his back.. I'm actually surprised he still let's me have a phone but the only contacts that are in it is family, him and a couple of work colleagues.. he really doesn't like me talking to people.. I have social media which he checks as he is following me.. so I don't post anything. I just use it to browse through.. every now and again, seeing what bts are up to but not following them as that will be another argument. It's a good job he doesn't know about Vlive and what that is..

"Fine, I'll give you it.. type it into your phone.."

"I can't see anything when I'm inside your head, Ali, except what you see.. err, maybe you could jump into me and tell me it.. Just think about me and where you want to be. That's all I did. Maybe we can just connect. I don't know, but that worked for me.. I'll jump out.."

"Wait.. is hobi there? Only.. he.. and I."

"Yes, he is here. If you don't want him here, I can tell him to go. I know he connected to you, Ali, he told me."

"no its fine.. its just that I haven't seen him since well any of them, really, but hobi just ran after he connected, and I know he made a mistake.. I don't know. I'm just rambling.."

I felt him leave, and I quickly looked at the clock. I had five minutes, and lucky school was only around the corner..

I thought of yoongi and wanting to be in his head like he suggested, and it worked.. I was now looking through his eyes he was in the living area of the dorm and looking at namjoon.

"it worked.. I can see you're looking at namjoon."

"i am.. right, ok.."

"wahh.. that's freaky. You're talking, but to no one.." jimin shouted out.

"Shut up, jimin,"

"Haha." I laughed, "I've never thought of it like that. I've been alone when you were in my head, but it probably is weird like you're talking to yourself.."

"ok, I'll add it onto my phone once you tell it to me."

I gave him my number and watched him type it in..

"Hey yoongi, I have to go. I've got to be somewhere.. could you maybe give me a call in the morning.. my morning, not yours. I will be asleep... and we can sort out if tae is mine too."

"he did quickly mention that when I jumped out, his soulmate was nervous.. was you nervous?"

"Yes.. but that doesn't mean it was my feeling we shall see.. I really have to go."

"ok, speak tomorrow.. bye."


I jumped out and quickly headed out the door to get maddie.. I knew I was probably going to be a minute or two late.. but they never minded other parents were late sometimes to..

I collected her.. returned home and started getting a meal prepared for us.. Once he was back he moaned that I had done fuck all day.. when I knew I spent the morning cleaning up.. you could tell there was no longer any decorations up from Christmas all maddies toys had been taken up to her room and I had cleaned all the way through which is why I didn't sit down till 1 o'clock and he was saying I didn't do anything.. and if I did why was there still remnants of glitter if I had cleaned properly then It would be all gone.. but anyone knows even he did.. he was just being petty that glitter is a fucker to get rid of you can clean and clean and it doesn't go away straight away.. I even found it upstairs embedded in the bloody carpets where its got stuck on the bottom of socks and slippers.. I just chose to ignore his comment as much as I could I mean the way he spoke to me hurt, but now I never shown my emotions he didn't deserve my tears anymore.

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