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💜Ali pov💜

We pulled up at the train station after about 2 hours 45 minutes and headed out to the front callum. He was already there to pick up Caroline. But I would have to get a taxi back home. There was no way Kyle would pick me up, callum did offer to, but it's in the opposite direction, so I refused.

"Thanks again for coming with me."

"You don't need to thank me, Ali. I had an amazing weekend."

"The concert was great, wasn't it? Afterwards, not so great, well not with him anyway, the others weren't too bad but with yoongi and hobi well that was a different situation all together."

"I know what you mean, honey. I still want to know by the way what happened. You don't have to give me every single detail. Yoongi and hobi will always be there for you, you know that right, deep down those boys love you. You have to accept that, Ali. We just need to get you away from Kyle so you can be happy with them, honey we all want you to be happy and they are perfect for you, even if we have to lose you to the otherside of the world, this is what the universe intended Ali."

"I know Caroline, and I want that I really do, but I still need to tell them everything let them make there decision, plus I need to know if I can get away with maddie because I won't go anywhere if I can't, and if they do decide they want me, they have to know I would come with maddie to, they may not want her thrust upon them Caroline, she isn't there's after all."

"I know it's a lot to figure out, but you will do it together. I'll talk to you tomorrow morning while he's at work, OK?"

"Yes, that sounds like a plan. Bye Caroline, I love you. Say bye to callum for me."

"Bye Ali, oh and don't forget yoongi, he said he will be there tonight. Love you too,"

"I know, and I will connect when I get close to home."

With that, Caroline chucked her luggage in the boot of the car, jumped in the passenger seat, leaned over to kiss callum, and they drove off.
My brother and Caroline are perfect soulmates. I walked with maddie over to the waiting taxis outside the station. The taxi driver got out to help me load our luggage, I put maddie in first and made sure she was buckled in safely. Before I got in next to her. I gave the driver the address. I asked maddie to not tell her daddy she met bts and she said she wouldn't, In 15 minutes I would be back home and back to my miserable life with kyle, I knew he was going to start pretty much as soon as walked through the door.
As I got a few minutes away, I jumped into yoongis head, he was sitting in the car he must have landed wherever they were next.

"Hey, yoongs, I'm nearly home."

"Hey baby, ok, give me a minute. I'll let the guys know I'll be with you for a while, I may have to jump out though if we pull up to our hotel."

"You're absolutely certain you want to do this? because I don't mind if you don't want to."

"Ali, I said I would. I won't go back on my word love, I'm there for you."

Oh god, he was at it, too.


With that, I jumped out, and I was back in the taxi, maddie was none the wiser, but I think she was tired. It will be tea, a bath, and bed back too, school for her tomorrow.
A minute later, he was back in my head

"Hey baby, I'm here."

"I'm just about to turn on to my street, I'll be pulling up any second."

I paid the taxi, got maddie out of the car, and went to retrieve luggage from the back

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