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💜Ali pov 💜

Yoongi came down with maddie a few seconds later. I hadn't shed a tear yet as much as I wanted to, I needed to be strong for her.

"That really is something that connection. Do you have anything different with the others?"

"Only one of the others he can feel my feelings and I can feel his.... the rest are just the dream... only one doesn't want this connection to me anymore.. not since I chose you." I told him

"well he is fucking stupid, because you are great, I know I never said it, I always pulled you down, but you are... you are perfect and I was to stupid to not cherish it... those guys are so lucky to have you Ali I mean it."

"I second that we are lucky.." yoongi added leaning against the door frame, smiling.

"what guys are lucky to have mummy?" Maddie asked confused

"ill explain it to you soon ok. But first, Daddy needs to speak to you... is it OK if yoongi stays, or I can get him to wait somewhere else?" I asked.

"No offence, yoongi.... is it.... but this is going to be hard enough without an audience..... maybe next time, it will be under better circumstances."

"No, I fully understand, I'll wait outside." He said.. he looked at me and I gave him a half smile.. Then he left

We sat down with maddie and Kyle explained the whole situation that me and her dad were not going to be living together anymore and he explained soulmates to her, her little heart was breaking, it started me off then, I hated seeing her cry..

"listen maddie I will still see you, just not every day like before... but then when we do see each other it will be exciting and we can have lots of fun." He tried to cheer her up

"But daddy, I don't want you to go." She sobbed

"I'm sorry, baby." I knew this was breaking him on the inside..but he was being strong for her.

He held and talked to her some more, then went and packed... he started removing his stuff to his car. Once he was done, he came to say goodbye

"thank you Ali, it's hard to say goodbye to you, but it's not forever right, God its strange to know I'll never get to hold you or live with you again, but as much as I love you, you are better of without me and with them... please don't forget to visit as often as you can, and I'll visit you both too." He said with a smile

"Kyle, I'm not going anywhere yet, so you know if you want to visit, you know where we are, I'm only a phone call or text message away." I explained

"Great, I will still have to come this way for work, but I'm only about a 15-minute car ride away anyway." So he really wasn't that far away from us.

"And Kyle, thank you for letting her stay with me." I added

He turned to maddie and bent down and pulled her into him for a goodbye hug

"I love you, baby. Be good for your mummy, and I'll see you real soon, ok."

"Please don't go, Daddy." She begged.. tears streaming down her face.

"Sorry baby, I have to. Mummy will take care of you, and like she said, I can come and see you anytime I want to or anytime you want me to.. but I need to go now, ok?"

He gave her a big kiss and more cuddles..

"Remember Ali, anything let me know those calls work both ways. She will come first always before any soulmate, do you hear?"

"I understand." I replied

" Right, i better get going," then he said goodbye to both of us..

he went and got in his car and waved bye to us.. that's when maddie really broke down and i comfoted her... yoongi was still outside somewhere, so he didn't know the outcome if he took her or not..

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