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💜Jungkook pov..💜

I had fallen into a dream. Only this dream was vivid.. it's like I was actually there.. I stood at the end of a field in a wooded area. I was just about to walk out to look at the view, but then a woman came into my view and went and sat in the field full of flowers. I hid behind the tree next to me. I just watched her, and she started to look around, so I quickly hid my head behind the tree so she wouldn't see me.. I left it a few minutes, then stuck my head round again to see, and she was looking back out again only as I moved the fallen sticks below me decided to crack with my movement. I again ducked behind the tree.. I again left it a few minutes in the hopes she hadn't come to investigate.. I looked again she hadn't moved phew... I was looking at this woman. I was too shy to go and say hi to her.. you would think being an idol I could talk to women easily, but no, I'm very shy.. at this distance, I could see she had long blonde hair, and she was slim, maybe to slim. But I couldn't see her face.. only a few seconds of looking out, she quickly looked behind her again.. I quickly shot behind the tree again, hoping she didn't see me.. only a few seconds later, I heard her.. "Hello, I know you're there, show yourself." Oh shit she did see me..
what do I do.. wake up, jk.. wake up..

"Hello, please come out. I'm not going to hurt you.. as long as you don't attack me. "

Only I didn't wake up.. and I knew she wouldn't go away. She wanted to know who was spying on her.. I was scared, but then I was also curious.. to see what this woman actually looked like..

I poked my head around the tree just enough to see her, and holy shit she was beautiful.. she held her hands up to show me she wasn't going to hurt me. I came out from behind the tree, and she stood there in shock.. maybe my dream is giving me this dream to show me that not all women are screaming fans, and there are some normal people out there.. she didn't give me any indication that she knew who I was. Maybe she was in shock, that I actually came out.. she had asked me if I wanted to go and sit with her.. she was doing actions, so she knew I may not understand her. Only I did perfectly, but I didn't let on. I just nodded and followed her out. We got to the spot she was at before, and i sat next to her, but not too close.. I didn't know what to say to her. This was awkward even if it was just a dream... I just kept sneaking glances at her. From here, I could see she was pale skinned. I knew she spoke English, but lots of countries spoke English. And her eyes were a very beautiful blue. I didn't want to wake up. I could stay like this with her.. it was peaceful, far from my hectic life as an idol.. but it's like my body was telling me it was nearly morning.. I decided I had to speak to her. I just couldn't disappear even if she was just a dream.

"Uh. I... I better go. I'm going to be waking up soon, and I... err.. wanted to say goodbye.. to you before I go.."

She turned to look at me.. only she was looking at me like I had three heads.

"Why are you looking at me like that?."

"I'm sorry.. your English is better than I thought.."

"Thank you.. I'm not very good in real life. I just think my dream is making me able to communicate with you.." Which is the only possible explanation right

"Wait.. your dream i thought this was my dream.."

"ok, now I'm confused.. anyway, it was nice meeting you. Goodbye."

Which I was..

"Goodbye, jk."

The next thing I knew, I was lying back in the dorm.. did she really just say jk so she does know who I am.. but it was only a dream.. my dream, not hers, so she is bound to know who I am, and I kind of want to meet her again this mysterious dream woman.. but I can't fantasise about a woman that doesn't exist..

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