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💜Ali pov 💜

I got up on Monday morning. I got a few bits sorted as maddie was at school today and made myself a cup of tea, I got her out of bed gave her breakfast, made sure she brushed her teeth, washed her face and dressed ready to be at school this afternoon, Kyle had already left for work for 6am he leaves at different times every day depending on the job and how far he has to travel but he can also return at anytime to some days he is home before dinner so I really don't get much time to myself on those days, and i hated it cause it means more hours in the day when he's home for arguments and complaints of I've not cleaned up correctly or I've not done certain things when I knew full well I had. But it wasn't good enough. Like that one time I gave the house a full spring clean I had my music blasting out, I like to do that while I clean, he asked me if I had a bloke round because I cleaned up. Sometime I'd clean and it wouldn't be to his liking and call me useless or if I was taking to long to do something he could do it better in less time, I did actually tell him that time if he can do it better then fucking do it, he was constantly picking at little things anything to cause an argument, I even told him I won't bother cleaning anymore so he could see how dirty the house gets then. He didn't care if I was ill, I was over exaggerating, I had to run around after him like his own personal slave, aswell as look after maddie everyday because he had been at work he was to tired and looking after maddie and being at home isn't work. I could honestly go on and on with all these little stories of my everyday life.

Luckily he told me his job today was a big one in Blackpool so he had over 2 hours driving time to get there do his job then drive the 2hrs+ to get back he said it will be about 7pm before he is home which is good because I really needed that break while maddie was at school. I had been at work all weekend and after Saturday which I had to break those beautiful, kind, loving mens hearts, I had to spend the weekend like I was totally fine, I had to pretend, Carry on living like a normal day where I actually wanted to fall apart at the seams. I needed to scream at something I needed to let it all out. I deleted all forms of social media in my name while I was at work. In fact I stayed away from my phone unless I got a call, any notification i got i cleared straight away i didnt even look to see if it was important and the ipad well pretty much anything with Internet. I know maddie was always watching them so they would be on the ipad as soon as I opened it she never closed any tabs down, and I knew if any notification came up on that she wouldn't be able to read it yet she could only read certain words. But now it was Monday and about an hour before i had to take her to nursery, I left my phone on the coffee table while I got myself sorted and cleaned the bathroom.

"Mummy, your phone made a noise."

"Leave it, maddie. I'll check it later."

"I'll bring it to you."

"I'll be down in a minute. Just leave it on the table."

Little did I know that maddie was checking she knew my pass code to get into the phone as she used it to watch the boys on vlive. She was a little genius when it came to technology she had been since she was two

"Mummy, it's one of those notices that drops down."

"maddie, I said leave it, I'm coming down now. I'll have a look."

I wasn't going to, but she didn't know that.

"it says something about jimin. Can I read it, please?"

I was just getting to the bottom of the stairs. I hadn't said she could read it. Then she tried reading it to me.

"Bts jimin.. d.a.t.i.n.g r.u.m.o.u.r. Mummy, I can't read these words. Can you tell me what it says."

She was still learning to use her phonics to read she had mastered small, easy words.
She passed me the phone and then I saw it in black and white big bold letters and I couldn't unsee it tears pricked my eyes I had to blink them back. I couldn't let maddie see me upset.

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