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💜Ali pov..💜

It had been 13 days since jimins statement was televised, but he did admit to it all. I sat and watched as he answered questions, and then he went and bought her out, holding her hand.. then the question came up about his soulmate, only I held my breath.. he just said he couldn't disclose that information.. and they went on to ask how we didn't know this was just a cover story for being caught.. and I knew I was stupid to torture myself watching, but I needed to know. But then he did the one thing I really wasn't ready to see, he kissed her.. I couldn't help the tears that fell then, it hurt.. I wish I didn't have to let them go.. but this was for the best.. I knew it was, but to see my soulmate kissing another girl was hard because it had only been a couple of days. But to also have her moving in, not just with him but all of them.. we're they really happy about this. There is one thing I did notice, though. I'm surprised it never got asked. There was a cut above his eye. I knew it wasn't there on Saturday.. and no amount of makeup could cover the cut. I still noticed it.. did he fight with someone..

The next 13 days dragged on.. luckily, there had been nothing about jimin again in the media.. not even a sighting of them together, which I was thankful for, none of them had been live since before I let them go... but today was j-hopes birthday. I had to go and collect maddie from the nursery as I was walking around a notification that came up that hobi went live. I clicked on the notification.. and joined the live, I had made a new account so they wouldn't know it was me.. because maddie would still want to watch their lives.. plus, I wanted to see them.. even if I did let them go, I still loved them and what they do.. when he went live, though, I knew his birthday was nearly over. I hoped he had a good day. It sounds like he spent most of the day with his family. I did send him a happy birthday wish even though he wouldn't know it was from me, but for my own peace of mind, I knew.. he looked cute with his ears poking out below his hat like little elf ears.. he said he took a break. He had been learning house dance, something he didn't actually mention. Maybe because I was army, they had to be careful even if I was their soulmate. He loaded his computer and played happy birthday . He sang while doing his cake. He said he was happy and doing everything he wanted, which was good, I knew he couldn't say he was sad or anything because army would question it. He talked about jk and his dog mickey. He sounds like he is keeping busy, and he said he needs to sort things out in his head. What did he mean by that. And I just watched him talk about his mixtape, and he showed us a quick glimpse of his studio.. and then the one person who I dreaded seeing showed up. but they looked happy together, so maybe the others were all really OK with him and that girl.. there were only a few minutes left, but he stuck around till the end.. and then hobi ended the live.. I was glad they were doing OK, though. That's what I wanted..

💜hobi pov💜

I had spent my birthday with my family.. we had all made up with jimin even if we still didn't like him being with soo.. but it was a situation we had to except and move forward from.. I had 45 minutes left of my birthday, so I went to my studio and went live on vlive, I had it in my mind, would she be watching, but if she was maybe she wouldn't comment because I would know she was.. I did miss her a lot, but namjoon said we had to keep up with the schedule.. so that's what we had been doing, so I didn't get much time to sit and think too much about her, as our schedule was packed out.. it was bedtime that was hard cause I couldn't meet her in the dream, I did try and go to the field, but it's like it's not there anymore.. I wish it was so I could go, so it was like I was closer to her in some way.. but yoongi told me he tried to connect a few times, but he seems to think she closed it or because she rejected the connection is no longer there...

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