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They kicked off the next song still up there, which was dope but soon started heading back down the catwalk to the front, and hobi came back to the front centre to sing his part, he moved to my side but quickly left, then jk came up the front dancing and yoongi came running up to our side, stayed a little while, jk moved to the right. He sang his part, and they both moved, and then jimin was back upfront dancing, and before I knew it, yoongi was back on my side. Then baepsae kicked in, yoongi moved away, and now Rm was coming up front and centre. There was a reason why everyone loved this song. He sat down and started singing his part, and then he stood up and hit us with the hip thrust. He then moved to the right side. Then tae came forward to sing his part and came over to our side, and jimin and jin joined him. and hobi came back in with some moves, and then he hit us with his hip thrusts, and the crowd went crazy screaming. I didn't even see tae and jin leave, but jimin was on my side again, and tae had gone to the right. They both moved, and namjoon joined hobi up front. Then fire kicked in, jimin came up front again to dance. yoongi joined him but was on our side, yoongi moved, I thought jimin was also walking away, but no, he replaced yoongi back on my side. Finally, he moved, and jk and tae came to the front, but they soon moved back to the centre to dance part of the choreography only. I didn't know who to look at. They were all wearing jeans and I liked them in jeans, once they finished that it went straight into an idol remix and yoongi and hobi came back towards us but only to get a drink from the corner, yoongi stuck around but hobi didn't. Rm came up to the middle, then moved again, and yoongi took his spot. When his part came, he moved back over to us and sang it. He moved away to another part of the stage, and jimin was back again, but jin quickly got in on our side, but not for long. They both moved, and jk was back, and tae joined him in the middle. Tae came our side, and jk went to the right, then they moved back towards the middle after jimin sang his part they danced, and jk came forward to my side briefly and then they all went back up the catwalk to the top back stage. There was another video interlude of tae. Then he came on to sing his solo. He was lying like he was asleep on a bed. Then he opened his eyes, looking directly into the camera, straight into my soul, then he started singing, and wow. I wonder what his feelings would be like being up there, I couldn't stop looking at him.. afterwards, fake love started playing they stayed up the top stage and love you so bad, part that jk sang came on, and you guessed it, we all got a flash of his abs and army went crazy, then the next time the camera man zoomed in, screams erupted again. Then, there was another interlude of yoongi and jin. The first up was yoongi up the top singing seesaw. I watched him on the screen, and he even danced to it. Then, when he finished, jin came out playing the piano and started to sing epiphany and to hear army singing along with him. My heart felt like it stopped when he looked into the camera, and army started chanting kim seokjin. Then the part came that gave me goosebumps, his high notes.. then all four vocalists entered the top back stage, and they had a screen each tae and jimin on the left side, jk and jin on the right. This was one of the songs off the album that got to me the truth untold, I found out that namjoon wrote it.. tae removed his earpieces to hear army singing along and jimin hit that high note perfectly.. then it was the raplines turn outro: tear, another song that had me guessing, hobi, yoongi and namjoon entered the front stage near us, what they were wearing was hot, I know namjoon was in front of me but hobi.. damn. Once they finished, the others entered the stage, and hobi bent over doing something but showing his fine ass to everyone. Then namjoon said it was the last song for tonight, and my heart dropped. I knew after tonight that they would be moving on to their next location, and I would be going back home to kyle. But mic drop kicked in. This is one of my favourite songs of theirs.. I took them all in.. and they left. After another interval, they came back, and anpanman tune started to play as soon as they entered the front stage, Rm, tae, hobi and jin came forward, hobi was closest to my side when he started walking forward but as he got closer he moved to the middle. Was he really avoiding this side? I saw inflatables blowing up behind them. Of course, maddie wanted a go. What child wouldn't, yoongi moved near us again, and the rest ran to the inflatables. When yoongi moved to the right side, I saw jin climbing the inflatable slide. And yoongi came back to our side again. Jin sang his part and slid down the slide.. he went back up, and hobi and namjoon followed him. The others were playing on the other ones, and out of nowhere, jimin came up to our side again, but thankfully, he quickly moved, hobi moved to our side but didn't stay, I watched tae come down the slide with yoongi and tae ran to the front middle and sat to sing his lines.. jk joined him.. but jimin came back to our side. The inflatables started to deflate, and only six went back up the catwalk to the back, but he soon realised and followed.

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