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💜Ali pov 💜

I entered the room, and Caroline had the biggest smile on her face.

"So how did it go?"

"I will say it went well for now, well, with two of them, actually anyway."

"See, I told you it would, so how much did you tell them."

"So far, only about tonight, I need to know if and how many of the others are willing to listen cause I only want to talk about it once, not six times."

"well yes that would be better. We're going to have to go and get breakfast soon, before we pack and leave.
I'll go and wake maddie and get her sorted while you go and get showered and stuff."

"Oh god, I've normally done all this before I get maddie up, I can never do anything right just lately."

"Ali i don't mind it's been a long couple of days for you specially last night and this morning, you've not even had any sleep yet and it's going to be another long day for you."

"I did get a couple of hours. Actually, I fell asleep next to hobi, but I can sleep on the train ride back for a while if maddie nods off.
Anyway, I'm going to shower standing here. Talking is not getting things done."

"yes your right, but I need to know more about everything."

"You're just being nosy, hahaha."

"I know, but still... you can't leave me hanging after everything that went off, and then I wake up to that note. And then you say you woke up next to hobi. "

I could feel them now even with the four floors between us. So I know they can feel me, yoongi wouldn't even have to tell hobi he would have felt it as soon as he kissed me. Even jimin would feel it. In fact, he probably felt it when I was up there last night.. oh well He already made his choice.

I turned and headed to the bedroom, shaking my head and laughing.
I got a change of clothes and headed to the bathroom and switched on the shower, I stripped out of my clothes and got under the warm running water, I washed my body and hair, I got out switched off the water, applied my body lotion and got dressed then headed to this sink to finally brush my teeth i hope they really didnt mind i felt gross having to kiss them like that but hobi didnt want to wait. And yoongi, he also said he didn't want to, and i couldn't wait either, I cleansed my face again and added moisturiser. That will do for now. I'll pack it all up when I get back from having food. My stomach then let out a very loud growl, I was hungry in fact I was starving, I don't eat a great deal anyway but I hadn't had anything since just after soundcheck I knew I had a little time to run and grab something quick.

I left the bathroom and didn't get too far before I was pounced on by maddie.

"Morning mummy."

"Good morning princess did you sleep well?"

"I did mummy so did Tata I think we were both very tired after the concert, auntie Caroline gave us a snack, then we talked about the concert, then she took me and Tata to bed cause we were sleepy."

"Wow. It was a really good day, wasn't it?"

"Yes, mummy, I don't want to go back home. I want to do it again."

"we can't, princess, we have to leave today, and I think they need to go onto the next place for the army there."

"ahhh, can we come next time."

"we shall see. They may not come back for a while." Which I really didn't know..

"OK, mummy."

"Do you want to go down and get some breakfast from the restaurant."

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