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I walked back in to our room, they would probably be fast asleep now, I saw Caroline fast asleep on the sofa she must of been waiting to see if I got back OK she must of got maddie into bed after she gave Caroline another run down of the concert even though we were there.
I took my shoes off and went over and gave Caroline a little shake.

"Caroline." I called quietly not to startle her


"I'm back. You should have gone and got in bed."

"No, I needed to make sure you were OK. I must have nodded off. What time is it?"

"About 1 am"

"How was it? Did you have a good night?" I knew she was curious if I had a good time to myself.

"it was, but.."

"Don't tell me he's been calling you all night when you said you've had enough, and you would call him tomorrow when he kept calling you at the concert."

"No, it wasn't him. He actually listened for once and hasn't called at all,"

"Then what is it, Ali? you're worrying me. "

"Their here, Caroline.

"I know we went and saw them. Remember? I know that had to be hard for you." She didn't get it.

"it was Caroline, but thats not what I'm talking about, I mean, they are all here in this hotel."

"How do you know?, have you seen them? She quickly jumped in to say

"No, I didn't."

"So how do you know then if you didn't see them to know they are here?" She jumped in again.

"Caroline, let me finish. Well, I actually saw one of them.."

"You did. Who?"


"Oh.... I'm sorry, I bet that was awkward. Did he see you as well?"

Just then, a little tear escaped.

"What? What's wrong?" She moved closer to me..

"let's just say he fucking hates me Caroline, he hates me for what I did to him, for what I did to them. I lost him forever if anything was to change for me and Kyle, I know he wouldn't want me. I broke what we had and there is no going back now. Caroline, I'll never be whole. If I got together with six, there would always be that one piece missing."

"Ali, calm down. Take a minute, and I'll make us a cuppa. Then you can tell me what he actually said, ok."

I gave a small nod and she disappeared into the little kitchen area to make a drink.now I had time to think about what he said, the only thing is, he is saying that he wants me and his brothers to have the connection with me even its just friends, could I really do that I don't know. Could I let them back in and explain my reasons why I did this? Would they want to listen? Would they even understand why I had to do it?

That's when it hit me, like a train smack in the face.

"oh shit, oh shit, oh my fucking god." I shouted out

Caroline comes running back in to me.

"Ali, what is it?" Panic in her voice.

"Oh shit Caroline, I totally forgot with everything that happened tonight."

"Well, calm down. You don't want to wake maddie. I'll just add the milk, and I'll be back, OK?"

My head was going round and round with everything.. that I hadn't even thought about this.

Soulmates- It started with a dream.Where stories live. Discover now