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💜Ali pov.💜

I walked up towards jins room, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door, I stood there for a few seconds, and he opened it. I put on a brave face, so he didn't know anything was wrong

"Hey Ali, come on in, take a seat. Would you like anything to drink or eat?"

"Just a drink please anything will do whatever you have?"

"I'll make you a tea. I'll be back in a minute, ok.."

I heard the kettle boiling, and then he shouted through asking if I took sugar and milk in it, to which I replied two sugars and yes to milk..

A few seconds later, he came back and handed it to me.

"Thanks, jin, "

"No problem." He smiled.

"What did you want to talk about, jin?" I needed to get this conversation out the way I knew it was about his girlfriend.

I watched as he took a deep breath. While looking down to play with his fingers, i can tell he was nervous about the conversation he obviously needed to tell me. "Actually, err it's about us and my relationship with mi-hi."

"jin seriously, it's fine, I'm the one that let you go, I can't make you choose between us." Even though soulmates are destined to be together they all had there own choice right up until the soul bonding to choose they could be with me and I with them until that point and anyone of us could decide the relationship will go no further and they can be with someone else who wasn't bonded. Across that point, then we are stuck with each other. Unless you take the easy way out. We'll not easy.. because it is painful.

I could feel the tears again, but I tried to blink them away.

"Maybe it's for the best you ended up with her, I know she would be better for you." Which was true.

"Ali, do you ever just shut up and listen..." He sighed "Look Ali the situation between me and mi-hi, it's not what you think." 

"it's not." I said shocked was it because of the way jin spoke to me or because it's not what it seems.

"no Ali it's not. We were never actually in a relationship it was all forced by Pd.nim." He said

"If it was a forced relationship, jin, why didn't you want me to reopen the connection." I needed to know.

"look I was scared ok, I was scared that Pd.nim would be disappointed in me for breaking it off with his niece and then I wasn't sure you would want me back after thinking I was in a relationship with someone else, like the others waited, but nothing ever happened between us I swear. And we broke it off when we told PD nim about you. "

He was looking down at his lap, playing with his fingers. Very unsure of how I would take the news. Even telling me that nothing happened but I was OK if something had.. I had no right to say otherwise we were and are not in a relationship.

"jin, look at me..."

He lifted his head to look at me.

I looked into his beautiful brown eyes so he knew what i was saying was the truth. "jin, I would never think less or feel any less about your for being with someone else. That is your choice, jin. I can't tell you not to be with someone. Do you feel that about me for being with Kyle for having maddie?"

"No." He quickly replied

I really wanted to take his hand to reassure him, but then I couldn't not yet.

"Well, that's settled then, isn't it? Stop thinking like that, jin to me, you are perfect, and any girl would be lucky to have you."

"I don't want any girl Ali, I want you..." He quickly replied.

Soulmates- It started with a dream.Where stories live. Discover now