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💜Yoongi pov..💜

Our tour dates got extended, and we got to perform in stadiums. we were going back to some of the countries we had already been to, but one in particular the uk, yes, back to London and I did wonder if she was there when we performed at the 02 arena but we would never know.. but now we will be performing a night at Wembley.. it wasn't till tickets went on sale and sold out in 90 minutes that they added a second night..

💜The following day.💜

💜Ali pov💜

I'm dreading this conversation. I decided to wait. Think about what I was going to say, and I literally prepared myself.

Oh, not the conversation with maddie. The conversation with Kyle, I know he is going to be so mad, I can 100% guarantee it. He thought when she asked to go to one of bts concerts, it would be a passing faze like most kids have.. but believe me, that caused a whole new argument and a few after that as well, and he hated the fact it wasn't. She was fully devoted to being an army.
Now I knew I had to go through yet another thing to cause an argument, and I just couldn't figure out how to tell him. And i had to do it while maddie wasn't around. Luckily, she had been invited to a friends house. Only after having the evening and part of today to decide how I was going to break it to him, I still came up with nothing because no matter what I said to him wouldn't make a difference, I just had to tell him



"I need to tell you something."

"What is it, Ali? I'm trying to relax. I've been busy all day." He snapped at me.

"erm Bts are holding a concert in June."


Here goes nothing.

"well I got us three tickets cause maddie asked to go didn't she as one of her gifts from us for her birthday and I told her if they come to the UK for a tour then I would try and get some."

"Three tickets," he again snapped at me. "What did you buy three tickets for? I ain't fucking coming with you to see that load of shit. And how much has that cost me for you to go see those idiots prancing about on stage?"

I hated how he spoke about them, and I know I should have defended them. They haven't done anything to him. But I couldn't it would have made this twice as bad. Believe me, I've tried on numerous occasions, and in the end, it was best if I kept my mouth shut.

"it hasn't cost you anything. I bought the three tickets to go, and I never said the third was for you. I knew you wouldn't go." I snapped back.

"So who are you taking with you then, huh? And how have you managed to pay for them?" I knew he was pissed about this..

"it's called saving Kyle. I saved for them."

He didn't need to know how much it cost and how long I'd been saving for. Which was a few years. I just put a bit of my wages away each month it soon adds up. I was going to use it as mine and maddies escape plan and to make sure she stayed with me. But now that won't be happening anytime soon, I'll pretty much have to start over.

"And Caroline is coming with me."

"What's she going for?.. she doesn't even like them."

"How do you know she doesn't like them?.. Did you ask her?

"I think you're full of shit... I think you're just saying she's going with you, and you're going to meet someone else and go with them behind my back."

"Here we go again. If you dont believe me, ask her,"

"Yeah, and I bet she will say she is even if she isn't." 

"I've got no reason to lie, Kyle. She is coming with me, why don't you ever believe anything I say." Which was true he never listened to anything, I was either doing stuff behind his back, and I was a liar.

"whatever Ali your always so full of shit."

"Kyle, I'm not... I'm telling the truth. Please stop being like this."

I've not even managed to tell him the rest yet, and he's already being like this, and it's only going to get worse.

"The truth, haha, don't make me laugh. You wouldn't know the truth if it came up and smacked you in the arse."

"Fine, don't believe me.. I'm just letting you know we are going and Caroline is coming with us, the concert is on a Sunday and when I was talking to Caroline about it she said it would be best to book a hotel."

"Oh really." He said in a sarcastic tone.

I had had enough at this point, so I just blurted it all out. It wasn't going to please either way
"Yes, she did, but we are going to be staying two nights."

"why two fucking nights? you dont even need to stay one." He angrily shouted back to me.. he didn't like me going anywhere and to now find out I'm staying two nights away from him.. but I didn't care.. this was for maddie.. Well, and partly for myself, but the less he knows, the better about that.

I tried to explain in a calm tone "well I managed to get soundcheck tickets and originally it was one night, stop Sunday and travel back Monday but that would mean rushing down there, finding our hotel and checking in, then having to get to the stadium it would be a very long day for maddie if we did that and we decided the hotel stay because we didn't know what time it would end so rather than dragging her back home she could get a decent night sleep before we head home the next day so we decided two nights so we could get there Saturday get settled get food and probably have a girly afternoon looking around then rest on Sunday up until its time to head over to que for soundcheck then travel back sometime Monday."

"I don't fucking believe this. You really are taking the piss. Your probably not even going to the concert your probably taking Caroline so she can take maddie while you fuck off somewhere else."

"are you being serious Kyle why would I pay all that money to not go?. I have the ticket confirmation for three fucking tickets hang on I'll prove it to you."

"you don't need to prove shit to me."

"well obviously I do. And as for fucking off somewhere else, where do think I'm going to Kyle I don't even know anyone down there I'm travelling half way across the country to give our daughter one of the best days of her life, correction one of the best weekends of her life."

I pulled up my email just to show him the proof. But he just quickly glanced at it.


"See, I told you I wasn't lying to you, Kyle."

"whatever Ali I'm not interested. You go and see those little boys, and don't expect me to drive you down there and pick you up."

Little boys yeah OK they are more of a man than you'll ever be. That was what I wanted to shout at him, but I kept it in my head.

"we are either going by coach or train cause I knew you wouldn't take us." I quickly got in.. before he could say anymore.

At this point it was getting on for 5.30 he had only been home for half an hour but maddie just pulled up in her friends mums car I said she could go for a couple of hours after school. And I'm glad it just gave me that half an hour to tell Kyle, I'm also glad he dropped the topic then once he knew she was back. Which I was so thankful for, that conversation could have been worse than It was, it could have gotten more heated but it didn't. But I'm presuming this isn't going to be the last conversation or argument about going to the concert, staying over and bts, and will probably get worse up until we leave to go to Wembley.

Now, to surprise my baby girl...

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