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Time skip 4 years.. to 2017.

Maddie had just turned 4 she was a very good baby apart from a couple of weeks where she suffered with colic, she was in so much pain she cried most of the time till we got it under control.. After she was 12 weeks, she actually went to sleep through the night. But here she was a week into her first year in nursery. She could have gone a lot sooner, but I wasn't ready to let her go yet. Even though she only went a couple of hours in the afternoon.. but since maddie was born 4 years ago. Things between me and Kyle had changed.. we still loved each other, but it wasn't the same as before maddie was born. In fact, far from it. It wasn't long after maddie turned 4 she was scrolling through YouTube on my ipad. When she came across a song she liked called "고민보다 Go (Go Go) on September 18, 2017 so it was a new release.. and it was a catchy tune. She listened to it over and over again. Then she asked me if they had any other songs. That was the first time I laid my eyes on the group that is called BTS. I searched bts songs, and It came up with 4 years' worth of music videos.. and I loved watching her enjoy their music even though she couldn't understand a single word unless they sang parts in English. Well, same for me, really. I mainly listened when she had them on, and a month or so later, Kyle was working later, and she wanted them on the big TV, so I loaded into YouTube and searched BTS. There was so much content to watch. But maddie liked the music videos and dance practices. And this is the first time I have really looked at them. And my gosh they were fucking gorgeous there was seven of them. I asked maddie what their names were seeing as she was the one who watched them practically every day since she found them.. kyle said she shouldn't be listening to it as it's not English as she doesn't know what they are singing about. So it had come to the point in the small time she found them she could only listen or watch them is when Kyle was at work. Anyway, we both decided to pause the current song we were watching, and I opened up Google to find out the names of the bts members.. it came up with pictures first was Jungkook, main vocals, then V, vocals, then Jimin, main vocals. Suga, lead rapper, Rm, main rapper, Jin, vocals, and jhope, rapper. So they consisted of four vocal line and three rappers. We didn't really dig any deeper into them though. We carried on with the video infact we got through another two after that before Kyle walked in. Now, normally, he calls to say he's on his way home, and he wants his drink ready and to start making his tea but today he never plus he wasn't supposed to be home till about 7.30pm.. so here we were playing the one group he didn't want Maddie listening to on the big TV in the living room..
The first thing that came out of his mouth was, "You can turn this shit off."
Of course I did, I didn't want another argument, but I knew it was coming.

"fancying them, are you?"

"No, I just put them on for maddie. She asked if she could watch them on there."

"Yeah, I bet.. I bet you know all about them now, don't you? "

"I don't" was all I could say back..

But he wouldn't believe me. This is actually our first argument about me liking BTS. Normally, it's only about maddie listening to them. And i knew before long things were going to get worse. But she was my daughter, and BTS made her happy, so I had to switch them off when he was around, but she could have them on as much as she wanted when he was at work. One day, she wanted to sit with me and learn a bit more about them. She may have only been four, but this child had some brains on her. She was fantastic with technology. We found out that Rm was the leader of BTS but not the oldest he was more like the middle child of a family. In fact, Jin was the oldest his real name was seokjin. He was due to turn 25 in December. Then, suga, who's actually named yoongi, we found out he was also 24, like Jin, and would also turn 25, but in march of 2018. Then, j-hope, who we also found out, wasn't his real name, but it was ho-seok he would turn 24 in February of 2018. Then it Rm, which was also a stage name his name was Namjoon. He had just turned 23. But what excited maddie the most is that she shared his birthday. Then Jimin, which was actually his real name he just turned 21. we just missed his birthday, and then V, who is actually Taehyung he is currently 20 but turns 21 at the end of December, making Jimin a couple of months older. Then there was the youngest Jungkook, his real name also. He had just turned 19 on September the 1st, making 10 years, difference between me and Jungkook and 5 years between me, and Jin and suga.

I found out that they had a platform where they go live for their group of fans called Army. It was Vlive and the first ever live I watched. Unfortunately, maddie was already asleep as it was currently just passed 9.15pm in the uk, and maddie was in bed by 7pm so I watched it alone in bed with the volume on low as Kyle hadn't come up yet. Then the next live I caught was on Jins birthday he was now 25, it was 12.40 in the afternoon in Seoul but in the uk it was 4.40am but Kyle had kindly woke me up by banging shit about before he left at 4.20 as he had to be at work by 4.30 to travel to Scotland for the night. I'm so glad he didn't wake maddie. Then, the next live was on the 8th of December, and it was Jimin and Jungkook, but I missed that one. Even though I was awake as I never slept very well, I hadn't for a long time. But Kyle was asleep next to me as it was 1am but 9am in Seoul, so I had to watch it the next day. Luckily, I found out that subtitles got added so I could actually understand what they were talking about. I did tell maddie about the lives as I originally set it up for her, but it was difficult for her to watch. Either nursery or her dad was home or she was in bed. But that's when things changed. I had actually fallen asleep quite early for a change. I must have been feeling run down. I was asleep by 9pm the next evening, which was unlike me. Only this dream was different it was very vivid.. It's not very often I dream.. but there I was in a field full of wildflowers looking out over the countryside. The place was beautiful. Behind me was a wooded area it was a bit scary, but I tried not to take any notice unless I heard something.. I just sat in this field looking out.. it was calm and peaceful, which is what I liked when you're looking after a child, or should I say two children if you count Kyle seeing as I have to run around after him to. But then I had a feeling I was being watched. Was I being hunted? I stood up and looked around, but I couldn't see anything. So I sat down again, being more alert to my surroundings. Then I heard the sound of twigs breaking whatever it was. It was behind me in the wooded area, when I looked nothing again. My heart rate was elevated, but I went back to looking out, pretending I was just sat there.. then I decided to look without there being any noise, but I could still feel eyes on me. Then I saw it or should I say a person. Peeping round one of the trees.. but who could it be.. as scared as I was, they knew I had seen them but didn't move. Maybe they didn't want to scare me. I walked up cautiously. I didn't get too close but close enough.. I decided to be brave and see who this mysterious person was, even though I was petrified.. please be nice. Please be nice. it was all i kept thinking. I hated talking to people who were new, but this was a dream, right? Anything goes in these things.

H..hello, I.. I know you're there. Show yourself.

I was shitting it but had to sound brave, although it didn't come out that way. Whoever it was didn't show themselves maybe they were scared to. I tried again..

"Hello, please come out. I'm not going to hurt you.. as long as you don't attack me. "

Just then, a head poked around the tree. Looked me dead in the eyes, but it wasn't a full face, just the top of the head and eyes. I held my hands up to show I didn't have anything to hurt them. And that's when he.. yes, he decided to show himself. I stood in shock. I knew exactly who he was.. why would I be dreaming of him? I think I've watched too much content.. I didn't know how we were going to communicate, but I tried.


He said, Very shyly hello back.

"uhm, do you want to come sit with me. Uhm, go sit... with me. "

I felt so silly. I was trying to talk to him and also pointing to the place and doing the action of sitting and then pointing at myself..
He nodded his head, and he followed me out to go and sit in the same spot I was before..


So who do you think is the mystery man in Alis' dream? You have seven to choose from. But he isn't the only appearance in the next chapter. There are two others, so now you have three to choose.

Just a reminder, I have zero experience in writing, so I will again apologise in advance if this book is absolutely shit..

Don't be afraid to comment. I would love to hear your feedback.

Thank you 💜🫶

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