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💜Yoongi pov.💜

I had walked out of the room like joon asked. I didn't want to face the guys just yet. So I did what I did the night Ali told us all about herself I took a walk around the back to the lake, but this time I sat and thought about everything, how much of a screw up I am, how much I hate myself for what I did and how much I love her, and what I'm going to do now without her... I guess I could just go back to Korea and just chuck myself back into work that may help for a while. Keep me distracted... I knew if I told my parents I met my soulmate but I ruined it.. they would be so disappointed in me.. I knew they would love Ali. My parents aren't really the traditional type... and Ali is so loving, and she cares more about others more than herself... she proves that.. but she keeps on about how much she hates herself, and she's not good enough for us or too old. But we don't see that none of us do.. we just see Ali...our Ali... Well, there Ali now.. I must have been sitting here a good 30 minutes.. when my phone started to ring..

"Hey, joon," I answered

"Hey bro, do you want to come back up.. were done." He replied

"Yeah, give me 10 minutes, and I'll be there."

And I hung up, well, this was it... I had to go back up there and face the music, I wasn't ready.. but I couldn't leave her waiting, so I made my way back.. I got outside my room, took a few deep breaths, and knocked.. joon answered.. and let me in.. I looked at her. She was playing with her hands and she looked nervous... I took a seat opposite her again..

"OK, yoongi, now me and Ali talked, you need to listen to her one last time and don't do anything stupid." He said

One last time, don't do anything stupid he knows she is leaving, that's why he said it..

"Ali said she wants to do this alone, yoongi, but please know I am right outside this door...and she has given me your key to get in if needed.." He told me

"I won't joon.."

I watched him walk out and close the door. I turned back to look at Ali.. she was still looking down, playing with her hands.. I could see her shaking a bit... I wasn't ready for what she had to say but I spoke for her..

"Ali, you're leaving me, aren't you.. It's OK, you don't have to say it.. I can tell... I'm not mad at you for your decision. If anything, I'm mad at myself for hurting the most precious thing to me... and you don't have to ever forgive me for laying my hands on you.. no one deserves forgiveness for that... but please remember Ali, I am truly sorry for this and I do love you..while you were talking to joon I did alot of thinking and I'm going to head back to Korea as soon as I can get a flight I'm going to go back and get some work done.. so you can spend the last couple of weeks alone here with the others.. Ali it really is OK, I understand I fucked up big time.." I rambled off


"no its fine.. you go back with joon ill just sort out my mess here then ill be out your way." I said

"yoongi.. have you finished joonie said to listen to me.. and all you have done is go on and on... you don't get to speak for me I need to tell you myself. She said.
"Sorry, I just have a big feeling it's coming, and I want to tell you it's OK."

"yoongi, please... Just stop.." she sighed.

I sat there.. I knew it was never going to be ok, but I had to make her believe it was, I didn't want her to go.. but I had no choice.. but I shut up and listened to her like she asked..

"yoongi.. look, I heard what you said about everything tonight and joon too, but this was never going to be an easy decision for me.. yoongi, please believe me when I do say I love you too, but saying I love you doesn't solve everything that happened tonight... yoongi, you scared me, and I know you said you never was supposed to hurt me, and even joon vouched for you, saying this wasn't like you either, and never has been. And I want to believe you when you say it will never happen again, so if you say that and i forgave you and we moved passed this tonight who's not to say a few months down the line we've fully bonded you do it again only worse.. and you don't mean that one either.. yoongi, once I've fully bonded to you, to any of you, there is no escape for me if it happens.." she explained

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