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💜Yoongi pov..💜

I know Ali said if it got too much, she would leave, but why was she sad.. I couldn't leave her like that even tae wanted to know.. I went to my room to find out why.. I connected to her.. she was making a drink in her kitchen. but I wasn't bothered about wanting to see her home. I just wanted to see if she was ok

"Ali, are you OK?"


"No, you're not.. your sad Ali.. please talk to me.."

"I don't know, yoongi.." She really didn't want to tell me

"Look, Ali, I'm here for you. I will happily listen to you. Please don't keep it bottled up and to yourself.. I'm a good listener."

"yoongi.. why was he even there? He never spoke when everyone else said hi.. and not once did he even look at me.. I know the connection was a mistake at Christmas.. I didn't want the connection either, but it happened. Look, tell him he doesn't have to be there just because all you are.. if he doesn't want to have me as a friend, that's OK.. I was just hoping for something, but to be ignored, that hurt, that's why I felt sad yoongi.."

"I can't answer that for him. I'm sorry, Ali.. but I can talk to him.." She was right. Why was he ignoring her

"No, no, it's not your problem... I will be ok.."

"Only if you're sure, Ali."

"I'm positive.. Just drop it.."

I wasn't going to drop it, though, but she didn't need to know that.. I wanted to know what he was playing at..

"ok, well, thank you for telling me. I'm going to go.. Ali, save my number."

"I will do.. and give mine to any of the others that want it.. Just get them to message first before they call. I may be busy or something.."

"Same if you want to call us. I'll speak to you later.. bye.."

I jumped out and headed back to the living room they were all sitting there now with the TV on watching an anime.. tae looked at me..

"hyung, is she OK?"

"she says she is tae and told me to drop it.. Once she told me the reason, I said I would, but I'm not going to.. so the question is hobi.."

"me?" Hobi looked surprised at me.

"Do you see anyone else here with that name? Of course you.. what you playing at man, she noticed you never spoke or even looked at her.. she said the next call, you don't have to be there. If you don't want any part of this, she just wanted to be your friend.. and if you don't want this, then at least have the balls to tell her instead of just ignoring her.. fuck sake she even said she knew the connection you both made was a mistake she even said she didn't want it.."

"you made the full connection with her. When?" Namjoon jumped in to ask.

"Christmas.. she really doesn't want the connection with me. Did she actually say that?."

"I think you're taking it out of context, hobi.. I think she meant it was too soon. And she didn't want it that way.. I knew you never meant to touch her, and you would have done it the right way like we all will when the time comes.. but seriously, you need to talk to her and not through your dream either.. otherwise, you may not be asleep at the same time. If she goes to bed later than she has, then we will be getting up.. I have her number, and she has given me permission to give it to any of you who want it. But hobi, I'm going to give it to you whether you want it or not, and you're going to go in there and explain yourself to her and not come out till you're sorted with her.. but she did say if any of you want to call, then message her first as she may be busy.. like she will probably do with us in case we're on a shoot or something."

I gave them all her number as the rest obviously wanted it.. not one of them got the chance to talk to her then.. even tae was being shy..
Hobi was just holding his phone.. I grabbed it to make sure he added it.. he typed out the number but not saved it.. so I added it for him..


I quickly typed out a message so he had no choice.. he wasn't getting out of this she needed to know.

Can I call so we can talk. Hobi.

"I'm not giving you a choice, hobi."

I hit the send button and passed him his phone back..

"Now wait for her reply, and then you will call her so you can both say what you need to."

I knew deep down he wanted her.. I could tell with those first couple of dreams. And as jealous as I was, he found someone.. I knew she would make him happy, and I now hope that for all of us. We just had to get to know her better.


Another short chapter, sorry

Again, apologies if this is rubbish.


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