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💜jimin pov💜

So here I am, standing outside Bang.P.Ds office. This isn't going to be good. None of us told PD nim we had found our soulmate yet because we agreed that unless Ali was going to spend her life with us, then she would have to move to Korea with us, we couldn't live in the UK with her otherwise we wouldn't be able to do our job. but we only agreed to start as friends to get to know each other first.

I knocked lightly..

Pd nim shouted, "Come in.."

Only when I walked in namjoon was there. I thought pd nim only wanted to sort this out with me.

"ahh jimin come and take a seat." He said. Pointing at the chair.

"What's he doing here?"

"he is the leader of your group and needs to be informed of what's going off and the steps that need to be taken."

"I don't want him here. Either he leaves, or I do." I needed him to believe I didn't want anything to do with him, which was hard.

"jimin, be reasonable, please. we need to sort this."

"I can and will sort this with Pd nim. I don't want you to be here. So you either you go or I will and I will go back on my word of sticking around, then what will you all have huh."

"Guys, what's going on?" Pd.nim asked us.

"it's OK. I'll leave you can tell me after jimin has left. Catch you later, sir."

I watched Namjoon leave I had to still pretend I was angry with them all, I made a big mess, so there is no going back now, I hurt them on top of what Ali caused so they will probably never forgive me anyway so I will still come to work with them as colleagues. That's all it will be from now on. We are not brothers.

"What the hell is going off between you guys. Does this have anything to do with all these pictures and stuff that dispatch has posted with this girl?"

"Yes and no, sir.. It's more complicated than that."

"Care to explain? And what happened to your eye?"

"I can't right now, and this is the result of yoongi sir, the only thing I will tell you right now is I'm no longer living at the dorm with them."

"OK, jimin, when the time is right, my door is always open." He was so caring for all of us like that..

I was glad he dropped it for now. I didn't want to explain that yet.

"Now, onto the topic I did ask you to be here for. Why on earth did you go out alone? You know it's not safe, and who is this girl that dispatch has caught you with."

"I didn't mean for that to happen sir honestly I didn't. We were going through some things like I said I'm not ready to talk about, but I was angry sir I never informed anyone I was leaving, I went to the nearest bar from here and I met a group of guys and a couple of girls including the one in the photos and asked if I could join them we left for a nightclub, as the night went on I had quite a few drinks and well let's just say one thing led to another and I asked if she wanted to get out of there. Only we didn't leave the area sir because I didn't have a plan and I didn't have one of the cars and honestly I couldn't bring her back to the dorm, it was either to hers or a hotel. Only I realised I couldn't go through with it, nothing else happened, sir. I promise I didn't sleep with her.

"that maybe the case jimin but this isn't something I can make dissappear this time I'm afraid its not just dispatch that has these images and recordings any more its other news outlets and if I was to make those dissappear, I can't physically make all the ones on social media go away either some will slip through the net, it would be to much for the company to deal with. Do you remember this girls name as we will have to find her."

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