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💜Jimin pov..💜

It was nearly 5 pm. Pd.nim said he would be here. The only management I'd seen was sejin.
He came walking through the door bang on 5.

"Sorry, I got held up. I'm here now."

He pulled me to one side.

"Jimin: Now I need to ask you this. Are you completely sure you want to do this, we can make out your sick or something, and I will figure something else out. Then, in a few days, we can reschedule. I just want you to know I'm here for you, kid, and I'll understand, I know I don't know the whole story just yet, but this has to be your decision."

"I know that, but there really is no other way, I cant back down from this now, I've caused to much trouble sir, and when I do finally tell you, you will understand why I did what I did."

"right ok well ill go out and apologise for running late, then you can come out and get started OK and remember, be brief don't go to much into detail this is your relationship and it should be private. When I come off I'll go and be with soo till she comes out. If I see it starting to get out of hand, I'll step in and close it down, ok?"

"OK, sir.. "

I'm always nervous to get on stage or in interviews, but this is different. This is worse. Normally, I'm with the other six, and we work together. There is only me this time well till soo comes out, a few live translators for the different speaking countries and then a room full of people from different new papers and stations.

Right now, Bang pd is out there apologising for the delay and says I will give my statement first, and then they can ask questions. Then he tells me I can come out. I sit behind the desk..
As a sit down. I take a quick look around at everyone, and then I look at the cameras.

Ok, here goes...

"My name Is jimin of bts and as alot of you are aware of is the photos and videos that have been going round the world on social media, now I can't deny that it wasn't me as you can clearly see it is. Everything in those videos and photos did happen, and I would like to apologise to the millions of army for my actions when It should have been done privately... I.."

One reporter shouts out.. "Who is she?... do you just go out by yourself hooking up with different women now? Is this what army has to expect from the rest of the members to."

"Please let me finish. I was going to say I should have waited till we were alone, but in the heat of the moment, it happened.
Now, for those of you asking, no, I don't go out just seeking women to sleep with, and you certainly won't see the other members doing this either."

Oh god, once I say this, it's out there..

"The girl in those images is my girlfriend, and I really hope that army will be accepting of her."

The same reporter then shouted out again.

"Will we get to meet her?"

"Yes, you will she is here today. In fact, I can bring her out now."

I get up and head to the doorway of the room where she is currently standing with Pd.nim

"Are you ready? If you dont feel comfortable, don't answer them, ok?" I asked her.

"ready as I'll ever be. Let's do this."

I held out my hand for her to take, I heard her take a deep breath, and I led her out to the table.
They were asking a lot of different questions. Like how do the guys feel about this, I had to answer they were happy for us even when they weren't, will she be going with us on tour, which I could only say that was down to the company to decide, when in all honesty I knew she never would as I never had any intention of staying with her that long. Another reporters question threw me off.

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