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💜A week later💜

💜Ali pov still💜

I've felt quite down today. It's only been a week since I told Kyle about going to Wembley, and it's been a heck of a week of constant bickering and moaning. Nothing I did was good enough, but then again, it never was. To him, i had changed over the last 5 years, which I had, and I know I had, but who wouldn't when you constantly nagged at and pulled down every day? But this week, he has been one constant argument about bts and even started name calling.

His words were..
"I don't even know why your bothering going to their concert they won't even look at you twice, your an ugly bitch and your fat."

Normally I just let him let him keep going with his rant but sometimes its to difficult to not bite and give back what he's giving you.

"for fuck sake Kyle don't you ever give it a rest.. I've had of enough of this shit from you, every fucking day this week since I told you its been about the fucking concert and its getting beyond a joke. I know I'm not as beautiful as most of the women that's going to be at the concert so I know they won't look at me twice they won't even look my way at all. I don't want them to"

And I walked away from him. I had to take a breather and get some space even if It was only in the next room.
There was one thing he was right about though I was ugly on the inside as well as on the outside but he made me this way he made me the cold, heartless and the unlovable person I am today, my life was so different before I met him. But I definitely wasn't fat, before I met him I was a nice healthy 8 and a half stone for my size of 5ft 2 but after I had maddie with the way he was I found my self most days in a depressed state I started suffering with anxiety and he hated me going out the house unless it was for the school run, the shop, or work but even now he thinks I'm meeting men at all these places. I hardly ate anything really just enough to keep me going plus all the other shitty stuff life throws at you I went down to a measly 6st 11 but recently I wanted to start improving that not for anyone but myself. I started eating a little more, and a little exercise to rebuild my muscle mass and dancing around helps to. I had managed to hit 7st 9 so yes I have put on weight but I'm not fat he really didn't like it because I was getting my body shape back I was getting my curves again and he didn't like it and he hated the fact that the first time in five years ill be away from him. And I knew they definitely won't even look at me because they won't know I'm there, plus like I said, I'll be surrounded by a lot of beautiful army to even be seen. And if they have moved on like I asked, they won't be interested in me. Well I definitely knew two of them had moved on, jimin.The very same night he stormed out of that dance studio, he was spotted by dispatch leaving a club with another women, I saw it the next day all over the Internet and it was then it hit me. He really did hate me and moved on so quickly, there was more than that time though in fact it was like that for a few weeks, there was even videos from people who recognised him plastered on social media and then It went quiet no more was heard about him the next thing I heard was they were releasing a new album. It had the two songs on it I really couldn't listen to, but maddie loved to play her albums, so I had to just deal with it and not let it show that there was anything wrong. And then Jin he moved on a couple of months ago and had been pictured together quite a lot.

Kyle even upset maddie quite a lot this week he kept shouting at her. Constantly telling her to be quiet, stop messing about stop banging your toys. I was so angry with him, take it out me yes but not her. How can anyone tell a child to be quiet when they are playing with their toys.

"Why are you shouting at her?" I shouted at him one evening..

"she is doing my head in being far too loud."

"Kyle, she is five let her play. It's what kids do. You absolutely can't tell me you wasn't like this when you were a kid, huh?"

"No, I wasnt, if I did anything like this when my dad was around, he would give us a good thrashing and send us to bed."

"So you're telling me you didn't play with your brothers and got into mischief, fighting with each other or anything like that. Just let her play." I knew full well he did..

"Then why can't she piss off upstairs out the way and play."

"she doesn't want to be up there on her own, that's why."

So today, I decided to cheer her up from the really shitty week we had and finally tell her we got tickets.

💜A few hours later....💜

Kyle had gone out to the pub with his mates. So now was the time..

"maddie, can you come here please."

"Is everything ok mummy did I do something wrong?"

"No baby, I just need you to sit and talk with mummy, ok?"

"OK, mummy, what do you want to talk about."

"well daddy actually"

"Oh.." She said, and her smile dropped.

"Well, you know how daddy has been really upset and mean to mummy this week and how he has upset you as well."

"yes mummy he made me very sad." I knew he did.. it wasn't very often he would get mad at her.. unless she was really doing something wrong.

"Well, that's because of bts again."

"bts again, what was it this time, mummy?"  She knew her dad hated them.

"Well, mummy had to tell Daddy that you, me and Auntie Caroline are going to London for a weekend to see bts and he didn't like it.." I said with a smile on my face, but she didn't notice.

"So it was over something silly again..."

I just sat there looking at her. Did she not hear what I said properly.

She suddenly realised, "Wait.. what did you say?"

"Princess, you are going to watch bts at wembley with me and Auntie Caroline, I managed to get us tickets."

"aaahhhhhhhh really mummy, I'm really going to see them.... when?." She screamed so loud. But I loved seeing her like this.

"Yes, you are, but it's not for a couple of months yet."

"When's that then next week?"

Kids really don't understand the concept of time. But she does make me laugh.

"No, not next week, we will mark it in the calendar, and then I will let you cross each day until we get closer to the time, ok?"

"Thank you, mummy, thank you, thank you, i love you so much.."

Now I've been jumped on and covered in little kisses, and then she jumps down.

"I need to find an outfit to wear mummy I want to wear one of my bts tops I got for my birthday can we go and get it out now and am I allowed to take Tata with me mummy cause I won't be able to sleep without him and will I be able to show Tata the concert I bet he would like that, what do you think mummy?." She excitedly said..

"maddie calm down hahaha yes you can take Tata and he can go to the concert too but we don't need to find an outfit right now we will sort that when the time comes to start packing ok."

"OK, mummy, now I know why Daddy was upset. Do you think he will stop soon." He hated when he was like this over the men of bts.. but she didn't understand, really..

"I honestly don't know, princess, probably not."

Then off, she went to play one of her albums while she could, before he came home again. Hopefully, she would be in bed, especially if he had one too many.

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