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💜Hobi pov still..💜

It had been a week since I had seen Ali.. in my dream. I hadn't heard any of them talk about their soulmate either.. yoongi and tae had yet to have anything.. I felt sorry for them.. I could tell yoongi was jealous.... and tae well I'm not sure how he felt.. I mean, jimin and jk were sharing a soulmate, so I presume he felt very left out as he was closest to those two. Only just before Christmas we were having a break for a couple of days.. Tae just came out with him thinking he felt his soulmate, and she felt happy.. I mean, how is that even possible.. we've all had a dream. How can his be completely different.. I know there are different connections between multiple bond groups, so maybe tae is in a multiple bond group and is one of the few with different connections.. so if that was true, that left yoongi.. I quickly glanced at him.. I could see it written all over his face.. he got up and headed for his room and slammed the door..

💜Time skip to Christmas Eve..💜

I went to bed with the hopes of getting to see Ali tonight.. I sat in that field alone for ages.. I could feel myself starting to pull.. Just then, I saw her come running towards me..

"hobi... hobi..."

"Hey, I was just leaving.. I'm glad I got to see you before I left.."

"Sorry.. I was busy and late falling to sleep.."

"it's ok.. I'm glad I got to see you before I went.."

I picked another bunch of flowers while I waited.. I bent down and grabbed them..

"I'm sorry. All I seem to give you is flowers, but I would have got you a Christmas present, but I don't have your address or anything.."

"hobi, that's fine. These are perfect.." She gave me a smile..

I knew, though she couldn't actually take them out of the dream, I wanted to get her something better..

She was holding out her hand to take them from me.. only as I passed them.. I should have taken notice only I didn't. Next thing I got a jolt through my fingers, and I knew she got it to she was holding her little finger.. I didn't understand, I read about soulmates trying to refresh my memory of what we we were told in school.. and not one book had said it felt like this.. I quickly retreated..

"Ali, I'm so sorry. Merry Christmas. I'm sorry to leave you like this, but i have to go.."

I didn't even give her a chance to reply. I just took off.. I'm such a fucking idiot.. I couldn't believe I just connected to her in our dream.. and I just left her stood there in pain.. only I woke up and I could still feel the pain in my finger... it stayed like that most of the day.. i just couldnt focus on anything but the feeling it was giving me but i tried my hardest to enjoy Christmas with my brothers. that evening I went to the one person I could talk to, I felt guilty having to tell him about this stuff.. not when he was the only one.. that yet to have that first connection..
I knocked on his bedroom door..

"hyung, can I come in?"

"Sure, Jay.." was his reply.

I walked in and closed the door behind me..

"hyung I know you probably don't want to listen to any of this but I fucked up... I fucked up big time.."

"what did you do?."

"last night I went into the dream I sat for ages waiting for her only as I was about to leave she came running towards me, I had picked her some flowers while I waited because I couldn't give her anything else.. only as I passed them to her hyung I touched her.. I made the connection only, not the way I wanted to.. but the shock it sent through me hyung, and she felt it to.. she was holding her little finger only. I ran, I left her in pain, but my body was pulling me from my dream.. only nowhere had told me about the shock you get when you connected.. hyung, I still feel it." I blurted it all out to yoongi,"

"Jay, that's because you connected in the dream.. you're not technically supposed to.. It's a place where you get to know your soulmate a little before you are supposed to meet and connect.. if you had actually met her, then connected, you wouldn't have gotten that shock.. although you can't say she isn't your soulmate now. That shock just proved it wasn't just random dreams."

"I knew it wasn't random. Why would I dream of the same girl that I've never met three times..
Thanks for your help, hyung. I'll let you get your rest now.."

I walked out of his room. I wonder if this pain would ease by tomorrow.. I didn't dream of Ali again that night or the night after that or the night after that.. I was wondering if I was purposely avoiding her.. but I wouldn't know if she may be avoiding me. She may never had wanted that connection and I just fucking took that choice away from her.


So who out there guessed hobi?

Sorry, this was a short chapter. I hope to make them longer

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