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💜Rm pov..💜

I decided to go live.. it was 9 pm. I had spent New Year with my family.. but I couldn't get this girl out of my mind.. I know I had only dreamed of her the once, but she was beautiful, and I only said hi, but in the moment, I was confused as to why two of my brothers were there and then in came jin. We all stood talking, but she sat alone and then got up and started to walk away.. I was surprised at jk he chased her he is normally not good with women. He wouldn't show that, though. It was a strange situation to actually share a soulmate with at least three of my brothers. I was wondering if she was actually army when I decided to go live. Maybe just maybe she may comment, but then I may not know it's her if she doesn't have her profile picture as her. Only as I sat waiting for a few minutes for army to join... I saw her. I'm certain of it.. but the comments were quick, I'm sure she said hi.. now I had to hope she would comment again.. it was a while before I saw her comment again about also watching the greatest showman.. I quickly saw her name before the comments flew up.. her name is Ali..
Once I wrap up this live, I need to tell the other three I found her..
I waited till we were all back in the dorm it was about 11pm when we all were actually together. I joined the others in the living room.. "Guys, I need to tell you that I know our soulmates' name. Seeing as we never actually asked her."

"I didn't even think to ask hyung even though she knew me. I just thought it was part of my dream." Jungkook said.

"Well, she joined the live. I wasn't certain at first, but I had hoped she was. Maybe she started following once she figured out who we are, but I caught her name on her comment.. Well, I think it's her name, but her pic was definitely her.. but it was Ali.."

"You're joking, right?" Hobi jumped in..

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked

"My soulmate is called Ali. Ask yoongi hyung."

"Well, is it?" Jungkook asked yoongi.

Everyone's eyes were now on yoongi waiting for his answer..

"Well, I did have my suspicions that you may have had the same soulmate the woman you were describing sounded so similar but only hobi had the sense to ask her name, but I was going to say something to you guys I was at the genius lab the other evening and well I finally met my soulmate."

"You actually fell asleep at work, hyung.." I shouted..

"what no I don't know how it worked, but it wasn't a dream.. one minute, I sat back in my chair, taking a break from working on the music. The next, I was looking through her eyes. I could hear her.. but then I wondered if I could communicate with her, and I did.. she also said I wasn't the only soulmate she had, because she told me her name was Ali also.. I automatically thought I just shared hobis but she said I already know them and I worked with them so I knew then she was all six of ours but she thought she was being greedy in hoping tae was hers to as she didn't want him to feel left out.".

"she did?." tae asked

"yes, I was hoping I could try and figure out this connection thing namjoon and get her number so we can actually get her to feel something that could give us an indication she maybe taes soulmate to."

"I don't see why not, but we don't tell Bang p.d till we are 100% certain.. right. We need to get to know her first all of us.."

I was kind of anxious.. I mean, this was out of my control. She is an army and sometimes they ain't always so nice so my guard is up a little but she didn't seem to freak out in the dream so maybe she really did know who we were, and chose to be polite.. I like the army that actually does respect us.

💜Ali pov..💜

I had not heard from any of them in my dreams since Christmas.. maybe I wasn't falling asleep at the right time or maybe they didn't want me actually around them so they were avoiding me even though hobi had connected, god the pain I had for two days but i tried to not show it, but not even he had been around me since.. maybe namjoon had spoken to them and said no, they are idols and can't do it.. i dont know.. I even missed taes birthday.. but the day after New years Day.. I went into work on overtime, as they were short staffed. this is the only time had ever agreed to work in the week my usual shift being the weekends because I had maddie to look after while Kyle worked but he didn't return till tomorrow he wasn't happy about it all and I knew I was going to probably get an earful later.. but I picked up a double shift, so I wouldn't be home till 4.30pm that's how short staff they were.. it was about 10 o'clock when I had to head down to the conference room for a meeting.. I got this strange feeling in my head while I was walking down the corridor, but I didn't think too much about it. Someone came and asked me for directions to the x-ray department.. and I carried on to my destination only. I was the only one here because I was early the meeting started at quarter past.. I opened the door and closed it behind me. I took a step to go and get in a chair and wait.. when i heard a voice.. I was scared at first. I mean, someone is in my head saying hello. It turns out it was yoongi. God, imagine how I felt having him in my head.. but I didn't know if he could read my thoughts, so I kept anything dirty out of it.. which was hard, these seven men are fucking hot.. and now its confirmed six of the seven are my soulmates.. I hadn't told Caroline yet but I will.. I had felt stupid saying this to him and I did feel kind of greedy and selfish but if I had six I wondered if tae maybe my soulmate to.. but I hadn't had any dreams or anything just a few feelings of being tired or happy that wasn't mine either.. yoongi did say tae was getting feelings so maybe but who knows he may not be.. I just didn't want him to feel left out when his brothers all had me.. it was about 3.30 I only had an hour to go left but now I actually managed to get a break.. I went up to the restaurant and headed out to the little seating area on the rooftop.. then I finally got out and headed home.. Kyle was a complete arsehole to me that night and I was to knackered to give a shit..
On the third of January, maddie was back at school and Kyle had finally fucked off back to work.. it was peaceful..
It was about 1 o'clock when I got a notification that namjoon had gone live. I had done my cleaning that morning and I had just sat down with a cuppa so the timing couldn't of been better.. I clicked on it and he came up and had a song playing and was waving about a van plush pillow.. I said hi.. just to be polite like all other army. He said he looked a mess because he had been rehearsing but he didn't he looked as gorgeous as ever.. then he started talking about films he had watched and he mentioned the greatest showman.. and I fully understood everything he was talking about.. even in Korean.. I commented saying I watched it to.. I waited till he was looking at the screen and pressed the send button.. I wasn't sure if he had seen it though but I had to show him even if they didn't want me in there lives then I was still supporting them.. only he gave no indication he even saw it. Only it was 3pm when I got that feeling he was back. I had to collect maddie in 15 minutes.

"Hi Ali.. err sorry to just drop in.. I have spoken to namjoon and the others.."

Shit.. here we go..

"Err, I was just wondering if I could get your number.."

I immediately felt nervous.. min fucking yoongi wanted my phone number..

"Ali... its so we can test to see if you are taes to.. namjoon already confirmed that your are jk jimin and jins aswell as his.. and hobi well he confirmed that by actually asking your name. Like I did, but I never said anything to them about you to them. But namjoon said he saw your comment on his live and found out your name."

The only thing that was going through my mind was a simple question.


"Why, what? Ali."

"Why did you not tell them you connected to me?"

"I was going to Ali. Believe me, I was just busy, but today is the first evening I'm actually back at the dorm last night. I stayed in the genius lab trying to get stuff done it got so late I fell asleep there and then when namjoon came back he said he saw your comment and then I confirmed what you told me about us all being soulmates but you wasn't sure about tae well I'm asking for your number to confirm it."

"I don't know.." I really wasn't sure.. I know it was yoongi.. my soulmate.. but I didn't really know him..

"Please, it would be nice for the others to be able to see and talk to you as well rather than just in your dreams."

Soulmates- It started with a dream.Where stories live. Discover now