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💜Yoongi pov.💜

I waited outside the room and sat on a chair waiting for the guys to come back..

"hyung, why are you sitting out here, I thought you would stay in there to try and talk to her?" Jungkook asked

"I did"

"And... please don't tell me she blocked you?" Jimin asked

"No, she listened to what I had to say... and she said I blew the last chance I may not have hurt her physically like before, but I still hurt her... I told her to fight for you guys and maddie.. I told her this was not about me and I was going home and leaving the group.. she told me not to as we aint a group without one of us and we will all lose each other if I do... I told her I was sorry and I really do love her, she asked why am I there fighting for her come back for you, if I love her so much as I say why am I not fighting for her to come back for another chance.. I said I didn't think she would want that because I put her here.. but I do love her. I just didn't know how to prove it to her... now here is the thing.. she wanted me to agree to one thing to prove to her... I either agree, and she fights, or I let her body just do its own thing." I explained

"Well, what is it?... What do you have to do?." Jimin asked

"she wanted me to submit to her." I whispered so only them could hear

"Oh." Namjoon said

"Please tell me you agreed, hyung?" Tae asked hopefully

"Well, I don't know the first thing about submitting guys. I've only ever been the dominant, and we've never had sex so I don't know how this is going to work exactly." I whispered again

"But you agreed, though.. please tell me you did hyung.?" Tae asked again

"Yes, I agreed." I said

"Oh shit yoongi... this must be something you never let me dom you.. and vice verse." Namjoon whispered

"I know... she may need some guidance guys on how to do this.. but she is in there fighting right now to come back to us, and to maddie.. she said all connections are open if you want to visit her.. you to hobi.. and tae she will switch yours back on so you know she is OK...
And she can hear everything you're saying in there.. she isn't deaf and told me to get some sleep. She doesn't know how long this is going to take, so it's just a waiting game.. oh, and one more thing, we have just over a week left here... she said you guys have dates to plan.. I'm going to head out. I'll see you all later.. and we will grab some food, ok." I smiled

"ok bro, thanks.. I don't think we're going to stay too much longer ourselves, and Kyle should be back to visit her so she won't be alone for long." Namjoon told me

I headed back to the hotel and set my alarm for a couple of hours of sleep...

💜Time skip to the next day.💜

💜Jin pov.💜

I was up early this morning.. only we didn't know if there was any change with Ali. I wanted to get there and find out.. I visited her in her dream only for a little while, and I got to hold her, but it's not the same. Not really, I wanted to see her awake and hold her.. I told the guys I wanted to be alone with her for a while. I hadn't spent as much time with her like they had.. even jimin, who was a dick to her, had spent more time with her.. but I wanted to let my younger brothers enjoy her.. but nearly losing her put things into perspective.. I need to enjoy my time with her to.. she is as much my soulmate as she is there's... she said she would spend time with each of us... but there are seven of us for her to try and split her time with...

I arrived by her bedside she was still in the coma.. I took a seat and held her hand..

"Hey love, it's only me here this morning for a little while... I needed to be alone with you and the others let me, you see baby it took me nearly losing you to realise I hadn't really spent time with you, I let the younger ones have there happiness over mine.. there are so many of us you have to split your time with, and that must be hard for you, I understand that.. but I want to make you happy too. I hope I can do that for you.. I like to see you smile. Having fun with maddie is what makes you smile and laugh the most."

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