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💜Ali pov 💜

We got back to the hotel.. security carried all my bags up to yoongis' room. I have so much to take back when I go back to the house.. I had taes purchases on top.. he gave me two separate bags and said he wanted me to wear them for our date tomorrow..

I had walked back into the room and headed straight for the kettle..

"You want a drink, yoongs?"

"Please love.."

I made us our drinks.. I had half an hour to kill before getting ready..

"I can't believe we have only a few days left before we have to go home.. this month has flown by.. and then we will probably have a couple of days to adjust back to the time zone and be back straight to work.. actually, maybe joon should let Pd.nim know you will be moving over soon so he can talk him into us, getting us some time off to spend with you till you settle in..
I'll speak to him tomorrow. Now I'm going to grab a shower after you and chill out.. unless you want me to join you again, " yoongi said with a cheeky grin

"Not this time, baby.. sorry." I said

"I'm only joking, love.. I've had enough from you this morning." He smiled

I finished my drink..

"Right, I better start getting ready."

I got up and went and got ready for my date with jin.. I had just walked out of the bedroom when he knocked. yoongi answered it...

"I'm coming one second." I called

I got to the door..

"jin, you look."

"handsome, I know.." He laughed

"Well, yes."

"You look very beautiful, Ali.."

"Thank you." I smiled.

I gave yoongi a peck on the cheek.. and walked out the door. I knew I wasn't coming back here tonight. I was staying with jin.. i gathered that by their conversation this morning..

"So where are we going?" I asked

"Actually, it's a surprise." What is it with them all surprising me

We got in the car we travelled 45 minutes in the car and we pulled up outside the sealife centre..

"Err jin, it's closed at this time of night." I said, looking at him

"Not for us, it isn't.. we have the place to ourselves for the next 2 hours.. come on, let's go." He said

He took my hand and led me inside.. we walked hand in hand, looking at all the amazing sea creatures.. from sharks to eels, jellyfish, seahorses, and even some stingrays.. we went down one corridor, and it opened up to an overhead tank, and in the middle was a table set up for two..

"jin, this is beautiful.. I can't believe you've done this." He was so sweet.

He led me to the table, pulled out my seat, and then went and sat opposite..

"it's not much, but I thought we could have a small meal and then dessert and head back afterwards."

"It's perfect, thank you." I smiled

His security came in with a few tuppawear tubs

"I made it all myself. I hope you like it." He said

He had made a Korean dish

"This is called Bulgogi. If you don't like it, it's fine.. I did make you something else just in case." He said

He had passed me a pair of chopsticks..

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