Whoo Drabbles Warm up

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I'm back

   From my vacation

   So now I come with short warm up drabbles

  These are not part of a cohesive story, they're all random stories (and AUs), some with reader and some without (well, some of the non readers will be in third/second person).

    Lmk which one you liked uwu (also warning for like one swear word lmao)

   1. Yes, I do have the capacity to be chivalrous (normal )

  It's when we're waiting for the pedestrian signal to change that it happens.

  As I take in the view of the city, I spot a blur of red and black entering my peripheral. It's Paris' hoodie, neatly folded up in his hands, and for a moment, I wonder why the hell he took it off. It's supposed to help him blend in.

  My dumbfounded look has the puppet raising at eyebrow at me, unimpressed. "What are you doing? Put it on already."

    "Huh? Why?"

   He tsked at the response, clearly irritated with how dense I was. "You're shivering, (Y/N). Clearly, you need this more than me." When I still don't take it, he sighs, shoving the garment into my hands and grumbling about how stupid humans could be.

  "Oh. Uh—- thanks," With the way my cheeks are burning from the embarrassment, I don't think I need his hoodie to keep warm, but I still fumble around with it anyway. "I didn't know you could be chivalrous."

  "What?" He scoffed. "Of course I'm chivalrous. It's just common decency."

  I can't help but frown at that, as I clearly remember all the times Paris was anything but chivalrous.

2. Oh (human, tired teens/college students)

Sometimes, if we're still up at 3 in the morning (which is more than often nowadays), Paris and I will walk on over to the local diner to try and pass the time. At this point, it might as well be a daily routine of ours.

  While dragging his fork through a half eaten plate of hash browns ordered an hour ago, Paris turns his attention to me. "...So, I heard you like—"

"I don't like you like that!" The second the word "like" comes out of his mouth, I immediately deflect his question with denial. Nope, even this sleep deprived brain knows better than to open that can of worms! Go me!

Silence. Then, "...I...didn't even finish my sentence?" It's said in a mixed tone of confusion and surprise, which tells me that I have royally screwed up. Instead of successfully avoiding a conversation about my questionable taste in men, it's instead devolved into a "oh god how am I supposed to explain that I jumped to conclusions and implied something that I didn't want you to know haha crazy" kind of conversation.

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