What's The Answer To Your Heart, Cutie?

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LIKE REALLY REALLLLY EXCITED. Because I finally have an idea for an excuse to reallly change puppet boys personality!

I squeal.

    And, am I aware that this is the only oneshot in this batch? Yes. But, I have my reasons! (Mainly, I worked on this one the most (going past 7,000 words—) and the rest of my oneshots aren't anywhere near done so I thought, just get this one out first and work on the rest later. Forgive me.)

(Sorry human au taking over again ha hA)

Context: (Human....ccollege!) Paris is smart. Paris is cool. Paris is a calm, collected individual. But for some reason, his first few days of college are turning him into a frenzied brain dead zombie of a student. All he needs is just one person to tip him over his increasingly large pile of papers.

(Paris POV because I wanna show that brain deadness in him— also, female reader, sorry!)

   (Also I'm trying to improve my writing and hopefully it shines through here— enjoy!)

"God damn it."

Letting an irritated sigh out, I glare at the littered ground, already kneeling down to hastily grab at my papers. Other students stop to give me a quick glance but I pay them no mind, putting all my focus into rearranging my papers yet again.

This sucks. What's wrong with me lately? I thought I'd be ready for college, but I became such a hectic mess. My mind is practically everywhere but where I need it to be.

    Satisfied with the messy rearrangement of my papers, I get up with a soft grunt, trudging past a group of noisy students along the way.

    Just ignore them and be on your way, Paris. You don't need this right now. Besides, you're already late as is and that's embarrassing enough.

    By the time I even make it to the lecture hall, most of the seats are already taken, and the students can't help but stare at me like I'm an enigma.

   I brush my fingers through my messy hair in a poor attempt to at least look more presentable, well aware that it wouldn't exactly help my situation.

   While moving up the steps, my eye catches Lily in the front, noticeably looking much more sane compared to me. I wonder how she managed to do that.

    Eventually, my mind starts to panic at the lack of seats, and I quickly settle for a seat in the very back, internally scolding myself for acting this way. I really do need to set myself straight.

    Dropping my backpack down, I start to hastily spread my bundle of pages out, hands shuffling through them to see which ones I currently need.

      And that's when I hear it.

    "What's a cutie like you doing in Art History? Surely there are more interesting classes to take."

    I blink. Pause my shuffling. Register what was said. Then, my eyes cautiously shift to my left before slowly turning towards the person.

      ".....Excuse me?"

   My mind practically freezes at the girl, and she unfortunately notices. She grins, setting her elbows on the desk before leaning towards me. "I said, what's a cutie like you doing here?"


    My eyes can't help but narrow at her. "What I choose to take is none of your business."

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