Wrong Signs

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(I uh, wanted to get these 2 out ON CHRISTMAS, but as you can see

That didn't happen. Wups)

Request from Simp5673. Thank you for requesting!

For some reason I'm always spending the most time on your requests, I'm sorry! (I just don't know how to get it right, especially with this one! I read and watched so many things to get this close to where I wanted it to be.)

(This is why I don't really go that big on romance-)

(Usually I have everything else finished, but not this one, so then I keep telling myself to write until I somehow hit a point where I'm happily zooming away LOL. But, for once! This one is finished first!)

And, also, ow, this is just-- wow, lots of misunderstandings in this thing LOL

I would never wish this on my enemy.

Just kidding. I would. (And it doesn't have to be romance related!)

I really, really need to create a fair basis on the chaotic personality if I'm going to be writing more of it...because I'm all over the place with them....

Wondering if I should switch the POV's was a fun thing to think about!

Ho boy, I haven't done these requests in a long time!

Context: (Human, high school) Before you started calling yourself FrenchBoy's girlfriend, you were simply called FrenchBoy's friend. But now that you've recognized your feelings for the guy, you also have to figure out how to get him to acknowledge it too.

Female reader!

I. Have. A crush on someone.

Me! The one who's constantly focused on trying to make everyone's day a little better with chaotic shit! (So, love shouldn't even be on my mind!)

The more I think about this, the more I want to shake myself and call myself crazy.

But, oh well! At least my crazy self picked a goodie.

An oldie, but a goodie.

Wanna guess who it is?

....Too late, I'm gonna rain on that guessing parade. Because it's French boy! Oh, my cold, dead heart swoons at the thought of his little face! I just wanna grab his face and smile at him!


Ignoring the obvious blush on my face, I honestly think this is a good thing! Like, I've spent a good chunk of my life living the non spicy life, so maybe it's time to for my little single life to end!

(If I get ever get French boy, that is.)

And so, I find myself swinging my way into school, wearing my best smile as my eyes search for French Nugget. A few students give me a weird look when I skip right into the doors, but, I don't care!

...Okay, maybe I do the doors hurt like hell I'm as blind as those birds who fly into windows.

Any! Way!

I quickly make my way over to the library, pushing the doors open as I spot a familiar person in the back, completely oblivious to the hell I'm about to bring him.

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