Huh? We're.......Getting Closer? EDITED

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Alright! A brand new request from @DisneySonic1991! I hope I did it justice.

Context: (Normal Au) Out of nowhere, Yumi decides to get you and Paris to watch a movie with her. It's damn near illegal to deny this girl, so why not?

Heyyyyyy, guess who got inspo to actually do something?? If you guessed Editor Jean, You are correct!


"Paris! (Y/N)!"


"What is it?"

We both looked at the small girl who excitedly waved a DVD cover in our faces, with the biggest smile I'd ever seen on her.

"Can we watch this today? I-I mean, if we can, that is.." Catching herself halfway, Yumi bashfully looks at us, her smile now just barely there.

Chuckling at the girl's actions, Paris pats her head. "Of course. I don't see why not."

Nodding along, I give Yumi a thumbs up. "You don't have to act like that you know. You're still a kid, you're allowed to do these things."


"What is it that you wanted to watch?" Glancing over at the cover, Paris soon looks confused. "What is this?"

I follow his gaze, confused, before realizing that the movie Yumi had picked out was a romance movie.


"Ah, Cinderella? It's a fairytale, Paris, a romantic kind of story." He just shrugged at my comment, following Yumi downstairs to set up the movie. I hummed, following them down.

"Humans can be so cruel to one another." The puppet comments at the step-mother, crossing his arms. "I thought they wouldn't dare hurt each other."

"W-well that's not true..." Yumi starts, not knowing what to say.

"Everyone works differently, I guess. Something small can turn into a number of things." I say.

"Fair point." He seemed conflicted at this for some reason, and I, wanting to comfort him, moved closer while gently intertwining arms.

It was.....bold, I know.

But he didn't seem to have any negative reaction to it. It's fine, right?

We continued watching now, Yumi occasionally looking at the small animals in awe, or Paris occasionally scoffing at the scenes or laughing. I, however, wasn't really focusing on the movie.

I was focusing on the fact that Paris's hand was getting closer and closer to mine.

Like, he's a few inches away when he was originally only a foot away. Does he know he's doing it? Would he care if I pushed him?

Would he-

"(Y/N), look! Aren't the animals so cute?" Yumi squealed in delight at the transforming animals. I blink, quickly nodding, and trying to make it look like I wasn't thinking about holding hands with a puppet.

......A handsome puppet to be fair, but, uh......It's fair! I swear!

I need to focus on this goddamn movie before this puppet plagues my mind. No thoughts, head empty!

We were now at the dancing scene, where Cinderella was able to dance with the prince while everyone watched in awe.

Glancing at Yumi to see her reaction, I feel a smile pull at my lips, watching the child look at Cinderella like she was Cinderella herself. It's nice to see her like this. She's been through so much, it's about time she actually experience something a normal kid would go through.

"Why exactly is it so exciting for someone to dance with a prince? Humans are all the same, regardless of their class."

"Oh shush. You're just disappointed that you're not a prince." I blurt out. "Ah. I- Was not meaning to say that."

"I-I think you could be a prince!" Yumi defended the puppet. "You'd be a really cool one..."

"Hm. Well, thank you for the thought," He patted Yumi's head before turning his attention back towards the movie.

After a while, I noticed that Yumi was hardly able to keep her eyes open, nodding off every few seconds before catching herself.

"Is it time to call it quits?" I smile, seeing Yumi shake her head furiously, clearly wanting to watch more.

"N-no...I'm awake..."

"I think we should call it quits.," Picking up Yumi, Paris smiles at Yumi's attempts to try and get back to the couch as he quickly walked up the stairs, wasting no time.

Following them a minute later, I open the door to see Paris already tucking the girl in, making sure she wouldn't try to get back up. I laugh at this. A puppet turned parent. Who would've thought?

"Alright Yumi, lights out," I warn, giving her time to adjust herself before turning the lights off, saying goodnight as Paris followed me out.

Settling back down onto the couch, I quickly glance at the time. I should be going soon. But before I even have time to even try and plan out when I should leave, a voice interrupts me.

"Did I make you uncomfortable earlier?"

"Huh?" I blink, turning towards him. "What are you talking about?"

"I noticed that you seemed uncomfortable when our hands were close. And when you commented on the prince thing. I didn't want to say anything while Yumi was here, but, now I want to make sure that you're fine."

Ah.....He's got it all wrong.

"You've got it all wrong."

He tilted his head at that. "Hm?"

"I wasn't uncomfortable. I was just....Wondering what to do. Should I have backed off? Should I have said something? Should I have held your hand?" He blinked, surprised. Oh no.

"I-I mean! I wasn't actually going to do it! B-besides, I don't know why I wante- thought-"

Seemingly not listening to me, Paris looked down at our hands for a moment, examining them before gently grabbing onto mine, holding them up to his eyes.


"Don't worry, I'm not going to cut your hands off." Ha. N-Neat. "I just wanted to see the difference between you and I. I could never fully understand human anatomy."

He looked up at me. "Is this what you wanted earlier?"

Ha ha ha ha ha...."Y-yeah.... I- You're not going to, um, judge me for this right? Because who tries to hold a living puppets hand? N-no offense!" He smiled at me, clearly amused at my tangent.

"It's quite all right. In fact, I feel the same too."


"I've also been wanting to hold your hand."

I blink, lips pulled into a smile as my face turns red.

Are we, getting closer? I glance at his expression.

Yep. We are.

Here we are! Second to last chapter of this batch! Wahoo! Thank you for requesting! I know I left some things out but please forgive me!

I wanted to capture more of the wholesome side, rather then just straight romance, (as requested) I'm not sure if I nailed it, but oh well.

Last one please!

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