Late Night Troubles

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Request from Anime123miku! Thank you for requesting! (And thank you for waiting)

At first I got really confused at the plot, but I got it. (But it did...go...a bit far from what you probably wanted/requested... sorry...)

All of these stories are starting to blend together LOL

Context: (Normal, doll reader) While Paris gets whisked away to the twin's house for a sleepover, you somehow found your way out of the deal, and now you're happily spending the rest of your night alone.

...That's totally what you wanted.


(....You like deep, sad thoughts? ...No? W-Well, you'll see, you'll all see! This clearly fits into this oneshot!)

(Don't worry the fluff is definitely there...!

It's just slightly damp with tears.)

"You must be really excited for this so called 'sleepover', hm?"

A growl. "Don't rub it in."

"Why not?" I can't fight the smile on my lips. "I'm not the one being forced to go." This elicits a tired sigh from my partner, head dropping to my shoulder, the action enough to make my insides squirm. I quickly smothered the need to brush my hand through his hair.

"...I'm still surprised, by the way."

"About what?"

"About how everyone let you stay here," He muttered. "I was so sure that you were coming." I grin at the remark, holding my chin up with pride.

"I guess I got lucky."

"You can still change your mind, you know," His voice was soft, and not pushing. "That way I wouldn't be so...alone." It was clear that he was trying to hide his bashfulness at the truth, and his expression didn't help his case.

Instinct kicking in, I immediately wanted to give in and say yes, but a part of me stopped myself at the last minute. Why am I so quick to join? I was built to accompany my owners, so, in turn, I instead became a toy who craved to be alone.

Isn't that what I want here?

But that doesn't make sense, I reason. After all, I'm sitting right here being all buddy-buddy with Paris. And letting him use my shoulder as a cushion, even! This isn't me. This isn't me at all! I'm not some...lovey dovey person!

Perhaps being alone will...somehow reset me. Take me back to my roots, so they say.

"...I'm sorry, but...I think...I'm going to sit this one out." Although my voice is low, the silence around us seems to do nothing but amplify the sound. "I have some...things I need to work out."

"Things?" Like us.

"Just some...personal things. Don't worry about it, really, it's just some stupid stuff." I catch his apprehensive look at me. "Really, I'm okay. Don't spend the night worrying about me."

"..Hm." Was all he said, peeling away from me before standing up from the bed. Burying the pang of guilt deep into my conscious, I open my mouth to say something-

Only to hear footsteps drifting towards the room.

We both freeze at it.

Shifting back to our small forms, I stick my usual wide smile over my frown, impatiently waiting to see who was coming into Yumi's room. But to our pleasant surprise, the room's owner had peeked into the room, a decently filled backpack laid flush against her back.

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