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I guess I'm having cheese thrown at my head, wups- sorry for the wait (This thing was a lot more jam-packed than I expected)

Request from Anime123Miku! Thank you for requesting-

It seems that Lynn_Celo56 has got an ally on one of the recent requests (Why Not Both?), because this request is building off of that one!

Two separate requests that turn out to be a prequel and a sequel! Never had that one before

Anyway. (Sorry this took so long, I took some time creating the second oneshot book and prepping that up, annd my free time is all over the place! And again, I wasn't expecting to write over 7,000 WORDS MY GOD)

Context: (Normal, toy reader) Decades have past since Paris and Polakov had begun to fight, with the acceptance of one person being the prize of the winner.

In Paris' eyes, he has won. He has what he yearned for and is now existing peacefully with his prize.

...But what about Polakov? The one who claimed that Paris would fail?

I'm hitting the big lore theories here (Not really since it involves reader)

Okay, I'm trying something new- third person perspective! (I think this way, I'll be able to easily switch back and forth from certain character perspectives.) shouldn't be too hard, since I've done it...once...

[Insert Title Here] Paris x Reader Oneshot Book..(The Dummy's Dummy)Where stories live. Discover now