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(VERY Late because I was spending the day with family and then I ran into a wall with this— ) CHRISTMAS, HERE WE GO



   Since we did normal au for Halloween, I decided to do my good ol' human au



  Context: (Human...adults lmao) On a cold Christmas eve, puppet boy is spending the night over (because who wants to stay with family amirite), as well as begrudgingly help you bake and decorate cookies (Well, it's mostly done by you).

That's it. That— that's it.


  The lovely smells of vanilla and butter drifted throughout the kitchen, warming up the house in a way a fireplace couldn't. On the counter sat a tray of sugar cookies cooling off to the side (with another baking in the oven), as well as an assortment of icing and decorations surrounding the tray. A part of me wanted to decorate the cookies now, but the thought of the decorations melting on the still warm cookies held me back, so I begrudgingly let them be.

   I had instead resigned myself to the couch, with a mug full of steaming hot chocolate and a fuzzy blanket wrapped around me. There was a movie playing on the TV, (some trashy Hallmark Christmas movie), but no one was particularly interested in watching, so the audio was drowned out by our conversation.

"This hot chocolates too hot. It's burning my tongue."

"Funny— I could stand it a little hotter."



I lowered my head in shame, the action almost instinctual at this point. "Why do I always believe you?"

"Aw, I'm flattered," Paris smiled into his mug, taking a sip as he went. "You trust me."

"Maybe a bit too much. Remember the time when I thought you got me a present?"

He stared at me. "That was two hours ago."

"Yeah, and it still hurts two hours later, jerk. It's Christmas Eve and you didn't even think to bring me a present?" Sighing, I dramatically pressed a hand to my chest. "I even let you into my home, for crying out loud!"

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