I Am Me!

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Request from Drower2! Thank you for entrusting me with this! I never wrote anything related to this so I spent all my time researching about the mental disorder I chose to make it as accurate as possible. Fingers crossed that I don't offend anyone. (That's something I'm terrified of.)

Warning! This oneshot contains a mental disorder. I'm aware that this can be a sensitive and personal topic for some. So, if you do want to read this, please be careful and take care of yourself!

Context: (Normal au!) You have Dissociative Identity Disorder, where you have different personalities. (I'm choosing 4 for this one: Reader is the main, and there is a caring mother like personality, a cheery protecter like personality, and a happy go lucky manic! (Like, uh, Jinx from league of legends. Without the bombs.))

You swore to yourself that no one should know what you have. But it seems that a couple of your friends will be the first to unveil this secret. REQUESTS: open!

I will be doing this one in Lily's POV for once!

.....Something's up with (Y/N). I just know it!

Well, maybe not, like, severely wrong, but, I'm still concerned! They're my friend, and friends stick together! ....Or am I taking it too far?

I let out a sigh, folding my arms in thought. Let's see here. It happens at random. They sometimes act differently and forget everything that happened mere seconds ago. And when someone asks about it they just brush it off.

Is it...some kind of amnesia? Is there something like that? Giving my phone a quick glance, I lean over to grab it. But before I could even look up anything, I hear the doorbell.

".....Fine! I'll just get some answers later." Dropping the phone before pushing myself onto the floor, I practically bolt downstairs, muttering an 'Hold your horses, I'm coming'.

Flinging the door open, I present a smile to my guest. "Hey, (Y/N). How ya doing?" They smile back, moving to follow me upstairs.

"I'm doing fine. How about you?"

"I'm doing peachy. But, uh, you mind if I ask you something? I have some questions that I've been dying to ask-"

They stop, confused. "Q-Questions?"

"Yeah. Nothing major thou-"

The doorbell rings yet again, forcing me to roughly sigh. Pressing my hands against (Y/N)'s back, I push them towards the room. "Just, uh, go wait in here. I swear, that guy hates me or something. Just ring the doorbell while I'm down there, not when I'm all the way up here.."

They laugh, already moving to sit at my desk. "He loves you Lily, what are you talking about?"

"Yeah, right!" I yell back, ripping the door open this time. "Hey, Yumi.......Paris. What made you wanna ring the doorbell now and not earlier?" Yumi just gives me a small smile while Pinocchio raises a brow in amusement.

"Why, whatever could you mean?" He mused, stepping inside. Yumi scrambles to follow him while I let out a weak sound, shutting the door gently before joining them.

"You told Yumi to wait before ringing the doorbell, didn't you?" Chuckling at this correct accusation, he shrugs, stepping back to let me lead them upstairs.

I glance at Yumi's expression. She's not very good at acting and it shows. I roll my eyes at Pinocchio, turning into the room. (Y/N) brightens at our new visitors, and gives them an enthusiastic wave.

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