Won't You Sing For Me?

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Request from Lynn_Celo56. Thank you for requesting! (It's a pleasure to write for you!)

I had so many ideas that I wanted to jam into this thing, but eventually had to pick a small handful and move on.

Now, lets turn Paris into a real villain!

Context: ( Phantom Paris here. Based off of Phantom of the Opera, as requested.) You are a famous singer, known to charm almost everyone whenever they hear your enchanting voice. And, well...... you may have lured in the wrong entity this time.

Female reader, Paris POV (His um, sinister part of his personality is given a boost here.)

Set in early 1900's France!

What do you think about singers?

Do you think they are wonderful?

I do. I think they are simply delightful. I think it's marvelous how they can manipulate their voices to appease the crowd. Give emotion to every note they sing. But I think its even better when they are squirming under your control. Every little note, every little scream of help, all created just for you. It gives me, as some might put it, a thrill.

Ah.....but I've recently grown bored of my little songbirds.

I need someone whos.....a bit more exciting.

But it seems that everyone has dedicated their pitiful lives to straying far away from this theater. I suppose the rumors were too strong this time.

What rumors, you ask? Why, rumors of the Phantom, of course. The legendary Phantom, who stalks upon the largest theater in France. Luring in little songbirds with his alluring form, he then captures them, the soul becoming bound to him, and their voice becomes a little treat to keep.

It has been this way for over a century.

It's almost laughable, seeing how mortals repeat the same mistake. Just for a sliver of 'happiness'. And they think I'll just give it to them without a price. After all, I'm just so sweet and understanding, surely it'd be different, right?

(But there is always a price to every transaction.)

But I suppose I won't have to wait long. The same mistake will come up again, if only for a fraction of a time. Just as it has now, seeing as some fool decided to restore this theater, all for the sake of money.

Not that I mind. I enjoy the company.

And besides.... this gives me an opportunity to find a new songbird.

And I think I've found one. Yes...

This one is special.


"Paris! I'm here!" A small voice called out. The voices owner came rushing into the room, the floorboards creaking under her weight as she did so. A fond smile tugs at my lips.

"Hm. So you are." I let myself circle around the small girl once, my form slowly revealing itself to her. She slightly falters at my presence, but moves past it, a small smile forming on her face.

"Is your sister busy today as well?" She nods, but she doesn't seem saddened by that fact.

"She is, but I don't mind. I know she's just trying her best to practice, so I don't wanna distract her!"

[Insert Title Here] Paris x Reader Oneshot Book..(The Dummy's Dummy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang